Statues, Songs, And To Rest At Last

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The sharp, evergreen blades of grass swayed. The flowers, their laces, their heads follow the tired hero as he trudges further into the greenland.

The songs, the choirs, the hymns, all of it chorusing in the distance. The town, now so far away, still sang songs about him. Praising him.

He had done well.

The quiet folk he comforted, the children he rescued and had raised into strong warriors like him. 

He had done so much.

The battles he fought, the dragons, the beasts, the horrors. From ash they were created and to ash he delivered them all back. 

The battle was over,  and he sighs in relief. It was all finished.

The lives he saved, the wars he had won, the smiles he had made, friends he fought with side by side, his family that watched him grow.

The people made statues and art he inspired them to make, story writers and the singers to tell tales of his bravery and strength. Oh, how many hearts he had inspired, and how many young children he comforted from the wars they have been through.

All, thanked him.

The town's music began to grow distant and distant, until it was only bird song and running creek water he could hear.

The weary crown in his head would be replaced with the most beautiful of gold. His tattered robes and capes would now be the most luxurious of cloth no earth-walking king has worn.

The man took one last look behind him, taking in the town at the distance. The people within its walls. He breathed in the cool air deeply, the wind welcoming him.

The flowers watched as he drops his hilt and sword. Then his crown, then his cape, then his pain.

Peace succumbed to him, whispering sweetly in his ear that he had done well.

The rest he deserved has come, beckoning him deeper into the forest.

The trees swayed, praising him. The leaves danced in the air. The water racing from the creek to see the hero finally be going to rest.

Like the strength potions and the netherite swords he had acquired in this life, they all were strong but has always met their end. It's only natural that he would meet his. 

But take this, not as sorrow, but for joy that he can finally be at ease. This forest, it would no longer pain him. No longer have to make him fight. He can rest, just like he deserves to after all the wars he had been through.

He deserved every luxury, every praise, and every single goddamn medal.

Peace and rest were all of these. Every warrior has their medal. And this was his.

He smiles, any weight in his chest now long gone. He knew he would meet all the people he loved again someday, and the people that loved him would meet him the same. He would greet them at the entrance to his forest. 

His stories, his memories, his laughs, his sorrows, his words. They will all stay. Engraved, printed into history forever. He was a legend. And his will live on.

Thank you, Technoblade. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2022 ⏰

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