The Execution

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A man wearing a black Red Hood helmet, an open black leather longcoat, a black shirt with a white skull on his chest, black gloves, black combat pants, and black boots pushes a piece of rubble off of him and gets to one knee. The man looks around to see the entire area is surrounded in grey dust and smoke and in ruin. The man coughs as he looks at his right hand is broken off and hanging limply.
???: *coughs* Oh fuck.
The man grabs his hand and places the hand back onto his wrist. Suddenly, the hand starts healing quickly and mending back together. The man exhales heavily as he raises his left hand to the side of his helmet.
???: Dex?..... Dex, do you read me?..... Toby?!
Suddenly the man hears a voice over an intercom in his helmet.
Toby: *comms* Mike?! Can you hear me?! Are you guys?!
Mike breathes a sigh of relief and stands up.
Mike: Yeah, I can hear you man. I'm alright, but don't know about the others. Can you find them through this rubble?
Toby: *comms* I can try. Look around for me while I use your helmet.
Mike starts turning around as light blue transparent beams shoot out from his eyes as the helmet starts scanning.
Toby: The easiest people to find would be Olivia and Jess.
Mike: Then let's we find them, and not Zenith.
Toby: Agreed.
Mike continues spinning until the blue beams turn red.
Toby: There! I detect an energy source right there.
Mike quickly heads towards a pile of rubble and starts digging through the rubble. As Mike is digging through the rubble, a purple energy beam blasts through the rubble. Mike quickly jumps back as an asian woman with short black hair with purple tips wearing a purole domino mask, a purple scarf, a dark blue vest, purple long sleeve combat shirt, black gloves, purple combat pants, and black boots steps out of the rubble. She look at Mike and smiles widely.
???: Oh good, you're alive.
Mike chuckles.
Mike: Of course I am Jess, I'm the Immortal. Is Peril with you?
Suddenly a huge being that looks like Venom Space Knight, but with all the white stuff on the suit as red, steps out from the rubble behind Jess.

 Is Peril with you?Suddenly a huge being that looks like Venom Space Knight, but with all the white stuff on the suit as red, steps out from the rubble behind Jess

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(For visual, here's an image of that design).
???: Yeah, I'm here too Mike.
Mike: Good to see you're alive Jayden.
Jess: Have you found the others?
Mike: Nah, You two were the first ones I've found. That was a pretty big blast you made boss. I was lucky to only get a broken hand.
Jess: Yeah, sorry about that. Hopefully we can find the others.
Jayden: And hopefully that blast took down that fucker.
Jess grabs Jayden's hand.
Jess: I hope so too sweety. Now let's go find Aiden, Isaiah, and Olivia.
The three began to move when suddenly the hairs on the back of Mike's neck go up.
Mike: GET DOWN!!!
Mike jumps to the side while Jayden grabs Jess and hugs her tight as a slash a orange energy hits Jayden in the back. Jayden grunts in pain as Mike gets up to see a white man with long dirty blonde hair and pure white eyes wearing an open dark bronze trench coat, dark green shirt, black jeans and black boots walks towards. The man starts clapping.
???: My my, was that an amazing performance Napalm. That almost hurt me.
Jess gets out of Jayden's grasp as her eyes and hands start glowing dark purple. Jayden's hands start transforming into blades as he stands behind Jess. Mike pulls out two combat knives and grasps them tightly.
Jess: Guess we'll have to try harder in taking you down. REJECTS, FIGHT BACK!!!
Mike and Jayden charge straight at Zenith as Jess starts firing blasts of purple energy at Zenith. Zenith smirks as he dodges the blasts and walks towards Mike and Jayden. Mike and Jayden both swing their blades at Zenith but Zenith just karate chops Mike's head, cracking the helmet and sending him flying while also punching Jayden in the chest, causing the suit to turn to ooze. Jayden falls to his knees as Zenith grabs Jayden's head and pushes him to the ground, creating a small crater beneath Jayden.
Jess starts firing a barrage of energy blasts at Zenith. Zenith let's go of Jayden and just dodges all the blasts. Zenith smirks as he jumps towards Jess and grabs her throat. Jess gasps as she starts hitting him with energy straight to his face but he continues to choke her neck.
Zenith: Don't you remember? I'm the zenith of all Gifted kind. I'm the peak of what you all can be. A tiny blast of pure energy can barely do anything to me.
Jess struggles to breathe as her hands and eyes start slowly dim.
Zenith: Such a waste of potential.
Suddenly a blade hits the back of Zenith, but the blade breaks. Zenith turns to see Mike with the right side of his helemt cracked.
Mike: Let her go!!
Zenith chuckles as he tosses Jess towards Jayden.
Zenith: *chuckles* The Immortal. How nice it must be, to live forever.
Mike swings a fist at Zenith bur Zenith catches it.
Zenith: But, are you really immortal?
Mike knees Zenith in the gut. Zenith smirks as he smacks Mike in the face, breaking a chunk of the right side of the helmet to reveal strands of long brown hair and a blue eye. Mike stumbke backwards but quickly charges at Zenith. Zenith grips his fist and punches Mike in the chest. Mike stops as he looks down to see the fist goinv through his chest. Zenith grabs Mike's head and lifts it up to face him. Mike looks at Zenith with anger and fear. Zenith lifts an eyebrow in amusement.
Zenith: Is that the fear of death I see in your eyes?
Zenith pulls out his other hand from Mike's chest and grabs Mike's head with his other hand.
Zenith: I thought you were immortal?
Jess and Jayden get up and see Zenith rip off Mike's head.
Zenith drops Mike's head to the ground and stomps on it, destroying the helmet and squashing the head. Tears fall down Jess' face as Jayden holds her in his arms. Zenith turns to them and starts walking towards them when a hand grabs Zenith's shoulder. Zenith turns to see a black man with short black hair wearing a black domino mask, a black leather jacket with a yellow hood, yellow shirt, yellow fingerless gloves, black combat pants, and yellow boots stretching his arm from far away.
???: Forgot about ol' Elasto huh?
Zenith sighs and grabs Elasto's arm and throws him towards Jess and Jayden. Elasto is flying and screaming when a blue blur appears and grabs him. Elasto looks up to see a mexican girl with long blue hair and brown eyes wearing a blue face mask, a black short sleeved jacket, a blue long sleeve shirt, blue fingerless gloves, blue combat short, and blue running shoes stretching her arms.
???: Jeez Isaiah, you don't just grab the over powered villain.
Isaiah chuckles as he stands up and pats the girl on her back.
Isaiah: Yeah yeah Olivia, whatever.
Zenith smirks as he raises his hand when suddenly a sound wave hits him and sends him stumbling backwards. A man with long brown hair that is in a ponytail wearing a green domino mask, a closed dark green long coat, black gloves, black combat pants and dark green boots steps next to Olivia.
Olivia: *signs* Nice one Aiden.
Aiden: *signs* Thanks. And remember Neon, codenames.
Olivia: *signs* Sorry Silence. Totally forgot.
Zenith stands and looks at the five heroes. Zenith smirks as he starts floating off the ground.
Zenith: Another time.
Zenith then flies away from the group, causing the smoke and dust to clear.
Isaiah: YEAH, YOU BETTER RUN!!! *sighs* Alright, so that was a loss.
Isaiah turns to Jess to see her bawling her eyes out into Jayden's shoulder, whose mask in now gone to reveal a hispanic man with long brown hair on the top while short on the sides with green eyes as he's also crying.
Isaiah: What's wrong?
Olivia taps Isaiah shoulder and points. Isaiah turns and sees Mike's dead body on the ground. A tear falls down Isaiah's face.
Isaiah: Oh......
The five of them just stare as the tears fall down their faces.

And so begins a new story for the Rejects. A new world, a new villain, and a death!!! What a way to start a story.
4EverABrony FlyingFishYT here ya go, new Rejects stuff. Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful life and I'll see you all later. Bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2022 ⏰

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