My Diary Of My Life

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So welcome to my life I've been through some traumatic stuff and I would like to share it with you guys my life has been a living hell whenever I came out as gay to my mom and to everyone at my school my dad has suspicion I'm gay but I don't think he knows my mom thinks it's a faze even though I'm dating a dude but he is my life I love him but I don't have his number so I walk to his house and hang out with him with a few with my friends over there so yea but that's off topic I had this friend she was a good friend but she is two faced. I figured out that the hard way, But I know I was in the wrong here but one day I decided to go to the skating rink with her and her bf so you know I was like it should be fine but it goes wrong so keep in mind I'm gay and her bf is I'm pretty sure homophobic so as I was talking to her her bf comes up and looks at me and says who is he? My friend who I'm gonna call Anna (it's not her real name) she says oh it's the gay guy I was talking about and he pops off with oh the dumb ass faggot? She said yea him so I was slightly triggered but ignored it but this dude who was one of his friend started flirting with me to mess around and that shit pissed me off but then Anna's  bf starting harassing me asking weird ass question let and shit and it pissed me off so I just went off to go skate and he says oh Is  the gay boy running away? And that pissed me off so I just skate and just chilled and I met up with and talked and I decided to sit down and buy some nachos I was waiting for my nachos to be done and he walks up to me and does that weird shit where he slides his arm like underneath my armpits and I said what the fuck are u doing? And he  says awwwe are you flustered I said the fuck no u disgust me you vanilla slim Jim lookin ass he grabbed my chin and says shut the fuck up you know you like me I said no bro you would be the last choice in the world and shit and he walks off saying whatever and shit so at this point I'm like fuck it I'm gonna eat my nachos and get out of here and he asks a whole bunch of questions about if I would suck him off or how much He would ask how much he would have to pay me to give him head and shit while I was eating my nachos while ignoring it I returned the skates with him still asking me all these weird questions and I returned my skates and I was walking out he laughed at me and said I probably made you fall for me and I never liked you faggot as I was leaving then I just had a breakdown in the car over it I will do a part 2 later when I'm not so tired for now goodnight and I hope you have a good day or night goodbye!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2022 ⏰

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