Chapter 1

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TW/CW: rough sex, degradation, praise, biting, marking.

In modern society, 80% of the population developed genetic powers called "quirks". While it was confusing to deal with in the beginning, it was later presented as a supernatural phenomenon that needed to be treated as a threat. Throughout the years, quirks were divided into specific classes: Class A, B, C, and D, with A being the more 'deadly' quirks and D being the least threatening. Those who were considered to have 'class A quirks' were regulated by the government, and given strict protocols to follow with the threat of incarceration or death.

It was strange that in a superhuman society, heroes were outlawed. No one was allowed to use their quirks in a way that may pose a threat to the greater good of the world, including those in power. Anyone with a class C quirk or higher needed to have specialized permissions to use their quirks for specific purposes, all the while having strict regulations to follow. Many people hated this ideology... but if someone could essentially ignite the world in flames with just a snap of their fingers, having these regulations was the safest option.

It's not to say that it affected you much anyway. Your quirk, 'perfect pitch',  was considered Class D. You had a natural voice that could match any pitch just by listening to the sound of it, and  you could even sing in autotune without the use of a computer. With a quirk like yours, you could easily be one of the biggest hits in the music industry. Well, at least that's what your boyfriend, Katsuki Bakugou, told you.

You both met after highschool at the same university, finding out you were both a major in music theory. On the outside, you never would've guessed that a guy like him would be a music major. He was covered in various tattoos, had his ears pierced all the way up and even had a lip and tongue piercing. You also learned his quirk, 'explosion', was classified as B. He could create small explosions from the nitro-glycerine-like substance secreted from his palms. This tough, bad-boy personality mixed with a dangerous classed quirk made your thighs clench the more you spent time with him. It honestly didn't take long after that for you to fall for the tall, spikey-blonde with vermillion eyes.

Just after one month of meeting, he asked you to be his girlfriend. Though you were often looked at in public, since your appearance doesn't match Bakugou's. On the outside, you looked like an average college student with an innocent appearance. But, to be fair, you were. You were this sweet little airhead who could barely look someone in the eyes for too long before turning away in embarrassment, a complete opposite to Katsuki.

Bakugou looked like the type of man to cause trouble wherever he went and would blow your head off if he got pissed off. Which, to be fair, that part wasn't wrong. On your public outings, if someone so much as looked at you a little too long, he was up in the person's face threatening them to back off. You would deescalate those situations fairly quickly, since he would never dare to shout at or belittle you. And in your eyes, he was your hero.

He rarely ever showed it, but he was very sweet to you behind closed doors. Your dynamic was very fitting to one another: a sweetheart to match an explosive temper. And that's without mentioning how he was in bed. His experience was far more vast than yours, but he would never let you feel uncomfortable, letting you decide when you were ready to have real sex versus only oral or foreplay.

It had become routine for you to meet up after class and watch as he and his band would rehearse their music in the college amphitheater, with the occasional 'study time' afterwards.

"Your drumming is amazing, Katsuki!" you say excitedly.

"Tch, of course it is, babe. I'm the best drummer in the world, and one of these days, we're going to be the number one band in the world." Katsuki says boastfully as he places an arm around your shoulders.

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