Memory of Dust

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"Everytime I look at you, I see her."

Even though Rex Lapis had passed away, the people of Liyue still continues to praise him. You on the other hand, knows his secret identity, he took the form of a mortal and goes by his name, Zhongli. He is the archon of Liyue or should I say was. You thought you were crazy but you fell in love with him, not because he is an archon but because he is a man of great knowledge, he's handsome, kind, and patient. It took you some time to confess to him since you didn't have enough courage to tell him that you like him. The day finally came and you confessed to him, at first you are hesitant, but you knew that you could do it. You did it and you were surprised he liked you too. The first 3 years of you and him dating were fine but the day came that you should go separate ways.

One day, he told you one of his stories about his past lover, Guizhong the God of Dust. He told you many things about her and he unexpectedly admitted something.

"Y/N there's something that I would like to tell you. When I first saw you, it reminded me of her, the way you talk, smile, and move, is the same way she does it. Whenver I look at you, I see her."

Zhongli admitted and it kinda broke your heart that he doesn't love you as Y/N but because he sees her in you.

Days gone by, and since he admitted that something, he always compares you to her. Your heart was shattered into pieces seeing him sad all because he misses her, but also because he only remembers her in you. Guizhong was always the name you hear from him all the time. You were sick and tired of this because he's only all about memories.

"Zhongli, can you please continue your story tomorrow? I really need to sleep."
You said to him.

"Why aren't you interested in my story anymore? Guizhong never gets tired of it."
He muttered. That was it you couldn't hold back your tears anymore, when he said that you burst into tears because his words broke your heart so much. Minutes passed and

"Y/N, are you ok?"
He asked. He didn't even care about what you feel, he didn't know his words could hurt you.
"Do I look like I am? All you care and talk about is Guizhong. I'm tired of this Zhongli. You only love me because you see her in me." You responded with a sad tone.

He kept apologizing about what he said, but you kept your distance from him. You suddenly felt guilty for not forgiving him. You love him more than anyone, and he loves you so much, and then your memories of him started to play on your head and you shed a tear. You found him, and you told him that you accept his apology, but he should promise not to compare her to you. He said yes and he kept his promise.

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