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3rd POV

On July 31st, Lily Potter gave birth to triplets. After doing a check up on both the mother and babies, the matron, Ms. Rose exited the room. In the cream colored hallways of St. Mongo's, James Potter, Lily's husband along with the couples closest friends, Remus and Sirius Black, waiting for her. Smiling at the obviously nervous men, she said, " Congratulations on your healthy triplets Mr. Potter."

Nodding at the other two men," Mr. and Mr. Black," then proceeded to walk down the hallway to another room. Remus and Sirius were to excited to see the babies that they did not notice James' darken face at the mention of the triplets. In reality, James and Lily only wanted one child so when they found out that they were having triplets they weren't too excited. Soon, James was brought back to reality when Sirius began shaking him. Smiling at his oldest friend, James accompanied by Sirius and Remus entered the room. Inside, they saw Lily resting with three baby cradles near her bed. In the cradles were three sleeping babies al with little blue tags on their hands. Hearing the door open, Lily opened her bottle green eyes and let a smile grace her features as she saw her husband approach.

"How are you darling?" James whispered taking one of Lily's hands in his own. A soft kiss was planted on James' lips for a response. The sweet moment between the coupe was interrupted when Remus announced that the triplets were awake.

"Bring them here then," Lily smiled watching as the three ever so delicately picked up the boys. James was holding a baby with tanned skin much like his own with tuffs of black hair on his head, his eyes, the same hazel color of his father. the baby was the biggest of the three in both size and height. Sirius was holding a baby smaller than that of James. He had light tanned skin also with a tuff of black hair on his head but unlike his brother, he had his mother's emerald green eyes. and finally, the baby that Remus was holding was the smallest of the lot by so much that Remus was afraid that he would hurt him. Unlike both his brothers, this baby had pale skin littered with freckles much like Lily's with hypnotizing green eyes.

James walked up to Lily and both parents cooed over the baby James was holding. Sirius and Remus were off to the side just quietly cradling the other two triplets.

" What should we name him-them...What should we name them?" Lily asked. Though James ignored the little slip that Lily made, Sirius and Remus were furious that Lily almost forgot of her other two children. James looked between the three children the back at Lily.

"We should name this one, Caleb James Potter," James started holding up the baby in his arms, He then pointed to the baby Sirius was holding, "Harry Sirius Potter and Luke Remus Potter," he pointed t the now sleeping baby in Remus. arms. Lily only nodded then went back to cooing over Caleb. Both Remus and Sirius were furious at James and Lily for neglecting their other two children and knew they would be having a chat with Sirius' cousins, Bellatrix and Narcissa during their Sunday lunch.

A/N-Sorry this took so long to post. Forgot to do it after test ended but here it is

Word Count: 577 WORDS

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