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It was during a hurricane five years ago when it all started. The she-monkey demon was only one hundred seventy-five years old at the time when she came to Flower Fruit Mountain. Her emerald, green eyes glinted in the lighting like jade being polished on a sunny day. The monkeys knew who she was but didn't dare say anything less they wanted to face her wrath. The she-monkey ignored the smaller monkeys instead focusing on what she came here for. Before she had arrived at the mountain, she was quietly reading a book in her library when a chill ran through her, some kind of warning, whatever caused it was she knew it couldn't be good. Exiting the dense forest, she came to a large cavern with a skylight letting the rain in but shielding it from the worst of the storm. Taking a deep breath, she entered the cave walking through the grove she had tended to for many years keeping it safe and protected. In the center of it all grew a beautiful red Sakura tree from just one look. You could tell that it had been around for centuries, but that was the least of her worries. Taking a closer look, she gasped that the tree's health had gotten worse and it's starting to spread to the other trees in the hidden cavern. "This is not good–" her thoughts were cut off when she heard a twig snapped. Whirling around she pulled out her bow ready for a fight. "Take it easy, it's just me!" a figure shouted coming out of the shadows. "Wukong what have I told you about sneaking up on me." she huffed, lowering her weapon she hated when he would do this even though she had told him countless times not to. "I know– I know– don't sneak up on you or I'll get an arrow to the face." he sighed, rubbing his temples "So what's wrong with the tree?" Even though they weren't very close she knew Wukong knew she only would show up to the grove if something was wrong. "It's getting worse." she started motioning towards the black vines that were sneaking across the ground choking out everything around it.

Nodding Wukong left her alone with howling winds and the soft pitter patter of rain falling from the leaves. Once he was out of earshot, she left out a breath she hadn't known she was holding. Looking at the red Sakura tree there were two initials carved into the trunk. One Sw and the other she really couldn't make out because it seemed to have been scratched off where enclosed in a heart. She always wondered why those initials where carved did they mean something or where they were something else. Pushing the thought back she got to work removing the black vines, checking the trees for damage, etc.... This went on for a couple of hours before she knew it, she was on her way back home. On the way back though she overheard one of the younger monkeys talking about Wukong getting a successor in the near future this didn't surprise her since he was pretty old and had also retired quite a few decades ago. With that in mind she opened a portal back to her library. After drying off she sat down in one of the chairs picking up a book about Greek mythology from a coffee table and began to read. She lost track of time while reading when a ringing sound startled her causing her to fall out of the chair. "Fuck!" she cursed dusting herself off before answering the phone call. "Hey kid!" a voice chuckled. She instantly knew who it was "For the last time I'm not taking the job! I'm already a fucking teacher!" and with that she hung up not wanting to deal with the underworld right now. You might be asking why the underworld wants to hire her? Well, you see she's a goddess of death and nature, a very young one for that matter and some demons call her a guardian of the dead because she helps lost souls or souls that have somehow gotten out of the underworld get back normally, she does this with animals and children/teenagers. She never really liked the other gods that much, the only ones she really liked were Prince Nezha and Guanyin the others not that much, but she tolerated them mostly because she had, like I said before, gotten arrested six separate times. She had only met the two a few times, but they didn't annoy her like the others, so they were ok in her book. "Why can't I be left alone!" she thought about going back to her reading. Unfortunately, she didn't notice the shadow in the corner which vanished after she went to bed. "So, she still hasn't figured it out yet?" a tall dark furred monkey chuckled his face when sour "So be it then." and with that the monkey vanished. A sudden chill ran down her spine like someone had been talking about her "Must be a cold draft." she reasoned going back to sleep.

The young she-monkey continued to visit the cavern for the next few years until her one hundred eighty birthday when everything went wrong. It was a normal visit like the rest, but something felt different. "Why does the mountain look sickly?" was what she questioned but got a horrifying answer when she entered the cavern. "This can't be happening..." she whispered the cavern was covered in the black vines which had started to infect the whole mountain little by little, but how could this be! "Wait... when's the last time I visited–" she suddenly gasped and mentally kicked herself. The last she visited was nearly three years ago. "I'm so stupid..." she snarled at the looks of it. These vines had gotten a lot stronger. No longer could she remove them with magic or slow their growth down. This was very bad if she couldn't deal with these vines "I'm not getting arrested for the seventh time! Not again!" she growled, holding her head in her paws. Taking a deep breath, she assessed the vines trying to find some way to either remove them or uproot the whole thing. "Maybe I should get Wukong."' With a sigh she walked to the Wukong's home only to find a sad brown hair young man that was maybe in his early twenties talking with one of the mountain monkeys which confused her a lot. "Umm hello?" she asked only to scare the kid senseless causing him to stumble back in fear. "Who the heck are you!?" the boy said, pulling out Wukong's staff. "So, your Wukong's successor, it's nice to meet you." she said, holding out her paw. "Nice to meet you. I'm Mk and I'm guessing you know Monkie King?" Mk said, shaking her hand with a slight smile. "And I'm..." she trailed off for a second before continuing "I'm Daiyu."

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