Coffee Shop

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y/n's pov

i woke up and got dressed like usual. i didn't really try at all i just threw on a hoodie and some nike pros. i put on my airforces and grabbed my phone. i usually walk to a local coffee shop in the morning just because of the high gas prices.

i left my house and started walking to a little coffee shop/cafe thats maybe a block or two away from my apartment. i was on snap, texting a few of my friends and stuff like that.

a bit later i get there and walk inside, putting my phone in my hoodie pocket. i look up and step in line. it didn't take too long for me to get to the front.

i come here every morning and i think this might've been someone knew because i've never seen him here before.

"uhm can i just get a iced coffee with caramel please." i say as i look into his eyes. he had a light brown perm that looked like ramen and he had dark brown eyes.

he typed it in as i started to say something. "uhm this might be awkward but are you knew here? i come here every morning and i've never seen you here before." i say and kinda laugh and the end. he looks up after he types it in. "uh yeah i'm jack and i am new here. this is my first day on the job." he says with a small smile.

"oh and will that be all?" he says with a sorta laughing scoff. "oh uh yeah that'll be it. thank you." i say and smile at him. "alright that'll be $4.95" he says. i swipe my card and pay for it. "okay we'll call you when your drink is ready." he says with another smile. "ok thank you." i say and nod. i step off to the side and sit down, going on my phone.

i take a quick self with half my face in the picture and half at the wall behind me. i put the text
'bro i'm at the little coffee shop i always go to & this rly cute guy just took my order😭🤚' i put it on my private story and scrolled on insta for a few minutes before "jack" called me up to get my drink. he put it on the table and said "oh and i put something on there." he smiled and winked. i was confused until i looked at the cup. he wrote his freeken number on it.

i giggled to myself and pulled out my phone and typed in the number. i wrote a quick text. "heyy just wanted to say the number on the coffee was smooth 😧' i smiled and sent it.

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