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spicy soon ??

when the cameras gave them a little bit of a break, and they had minimum privacy - or as much as the corner next to the bar had -, leona leaned a little bit over vil to whisper in his ear,
"is this yours?" leona tugged on one of the chains, the stones sparkling lightly.
"yes," vil frowned, "why?" the champagne was bubbling softly inside his flute, and vil stared at leona while gliding the glass to his bloody-red lips.
"was it expensive?"
vil glared at leona, a satin-gloved hand tapping the champagne flute. "obviously."
"is it exclusive or can you have another?"
the glass of champagne stopped before it could touch vil's lips.
"more exclusive than your contract. one in the world. there's only this one. ONE."
"that's a pity," leona pulled a bit on the chains, bringing vil closer to him, and the champagne flute was now beside the glass of whisky on the rocks that leona previously was holding. "wanted to tear down every single chain."
vil held onto leona, suddenly not knowing how to balance on his high heels. the gold chain that connected the double buttons on leona's vest was everything that vil had to onto to - it was a pity that vil couldn't convince him to use a full suit, but his exposed forearms on the white shirt he had was a very welcome reward.
"don't know what i wanna wreck first. these chains or you", leona slid his hand over the rough material of the chains, the diamonds sparkling the more the chains moved, going over his chest, an exposed nipple, the chains on his neck, slowly evolving his neck with the palm of his hand, the purple tips of vil's hair tickling his fingers.
every detail perfectly put together made leona want to ruin vil, but at the same time, he wanted to flaunt the perfect man that he has on his arms, the man who day after day proclaimed he was his.
"we're going home now." vil snatched his purse from the bar next to their drinks, and dragged leona out of there from the back exit of the venue.

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