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The school day had finally come to an end, and Jiwon was visibly in pain as she walked home with Riki. "Here, let me help you," Riki offered, taking her bag and carrying it on his back. He gently placed a hand on her back. "You must be in a lot of pain. I'm sorry, I can't even imagine what it's like."

Jiwon gave a small smile, appreciating his concern. "It's okay, Riki. Thank you." She leaned into him, holding onto his arm as they continued their walk.

As they approached Jiwon's house, Riki took her wrist and pulled her with him, not allowing her to walk home. "Riki, what are you doing?" Jiwon protested, trying to pull away from his grip. "Let me go!"

"Jiwon, you're in pain. Let me take care of you," Riki said, his voice soft and gentle. He could see the pain etched on her face and wanted to do anything he could to help.

Jiwon finally relented and let Riki guide her to his dorm room. Riki's parents were wealthy, and he lived in a dorm close to the school. He helped Jiwon to his room, where she collapsed onto his bed, relieved to finally rest.

"You can rest here," Riki said, smiling softly at her. "I'll make us some food." Jiwon nodded, grateful for his kindness. She snuggled into his comfortable bed, feeling a pang of jealousy for how much more comfortable it was than her own.

As Riki cooked in the kitchen, Jiwon dozed off, feeling safe and cared for in his presence. Despite her pain, she was happy to have a friend like Riki by her side

Fifteen minutes later, Riki called out from the kitchen, "Jiwon! The food's ready!" He waited for her to come, but a few seconds passed and she was still nowhere in sight. He walked to his room and called out, "Jiwon..." That's when he saw her.

Riki stood there for a few seconds, admiring Jiwon's cuteness as she slept soundly on his bed. He tiptoed towards her and quietly took out his phone, snapping a few pictures of her. He slid the phone into his pocket and bent over to shake her.

"Jiwonnie, wake up," he said calmly.

"Wonnie shut up! Let me sleep!" Jiwon murmured, changing her position on the bed.

"Jiwon, the food is ready!" he shook her a bit more aggressively this time.

She whined, and Riki started giggling, enjoying the moment. His laughter caused Jiwon to finally wake up.

"What happened?" Jiwon yawned.

"You were deep sleeping. Are you rested enough?" he asked her seriously.

She just shrugged, still sleepy.

"Anyway, the food is getting cold. Are you hungry?" he changed the topic, remembering why he had come to her.

"Oh yes, I'm starving!" Jiwon jumped out of bed, ready to eat.

"Thank you for the food!" Jiwon said and started enjoying the meal.

"No problem," Riki replied emotionlessly. Jiwon tilted her head. "Is there something wrong, Riki?" she asked, looking confused."Please tell me what's wrong, let me help you like you're always helping me," Jiwon said, sounding worried.

Riki sighed before speaking. "Didn't you see? Where is your phone?" he asked. Jiwon shook her head. "My phone is charging in your room." Riki opened his phone and walked over to her, showing her the school students' chat. The chat was filled with messages, and Jiwon looked at him with a questioning look."Read it," Riki said.

"Omg look at Jiwon's face!! It's so red!🤣"

"What was Riki doing in the girls' toilets??🤨"

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