A Little Secret

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     Enji's agency's door opened to reveal Keigo standing there. "Morning big guy," Keigo says in the sultry tone that always gives Enji butterflies. Yes, the big guy himself can get butterflies. "Morning Hawk- uhm, I mean...Keigo." Enji said as his ears were turning red. Enji isn't used to calling Hawks by his real name, especially now since Enji and Keigo are somewhat an item. "Is it really that hard for you to call your boyfriend by his first name? I thought you would have been a fast learner by now?" Keigo said teasingly, this caused Enji's face to burst in his signature flames. "W-whatever," Enji said turning around to organize his papers, "let's just go on patrol already." Enji grabbed his coat and walked out his door, Keigo following behind. With the little comments they just had in the office, Keigo felt a little sad and to top it off his wings were drooping a little. Keigo felt a little hurt, was it the comments he said to Enji? Is he not good enough for him? Does Enji see him as just a little boy? I mean, technically Enji is still married and he does have kids close to Keigo's age, maybe Keigo is the one— Keigo's thinking stopped when he bumped into a hard wall, or well when he looked up at it, it was Enji's back.

     "Why did you stop?" Keigo said, trying not to sound hurt in any way. Enji turned around to look at Keigo, he noticed the drooped wings and the slight pout forming. Keigo looked back up at Enji, trying his hardest not to cry. If he cried now he would be making a scene, not to mention that Enji's sidekicks were watching too. Enji and Keigo hadn't left the agency yet. Enji grabbed Keigo's wrist and pulled him in for a hug. He wrapped his big arms around Keigo's small waist, hugging him and bringing his face to his chest. Keigo flinched back in surprise, not that he and Enji had never embraced each other before. It's just, this particular embrace was in public, /inside/ of his agency, where his sidekicks could see him. Enji caressed Keigo's hair, softly and gently, leaving Keigo to be in awe. Keigo slowly brought his hands up and wrapped it around Enji, of course it didn't wrap all the way but that didn't matter. "I'm new," Enji started, "to being in a relationship with someone else other than Rei. And, to also loving someone." Keigo listened, letting him continue "I know I don't always show it in public or even in front of you but, Keigo, I do care for you a lot. And I don't mean as just a... colleague, I mean as someone... who I want to spend... the rest of my life with." Enji's face and ears were turning red, he'd never given such a confession in his life. He was so hesitant he made so many pauses during the confession. Keigo's eyes began to water and he gripped Enji even tighter, he looked up at him and chuckled "I've been waiting so long to hear those words. This almost feels like a dream. But, I know what a dream is and what reality is, and the reality right now is that I'm giving my love to someone who loves me back for me." Keigo was caught in even more surprise when Enji bent down and kissed his lips. Not the temple, not the forehead or even the cheek. He went for the lips and in front of his sidekicks no less, who were all cheering for their boss.

     "Well big guy, it seems like I'm rubbing off on you." Enji chuckled, "It would seem so," Enji dismissed his sidekicks as they left the agency. "How about some coffee from the cafe?" Enji asked, it was still winter and even he gets a little cold nowadays. "I'm on it," Keigo said wrapping his wings around himself, but he stopped when Enji put his arms around Keigo's shoulders and warmed him up with his quirk. Keigo slowly relaxed his wings as he was getting comfy with the warmth provided. They entered their favorite cafe, as it was packed since their coffee here is extremely good as well as their service. They waited in line behind two people, Keigo and Enji could feel everyone's eyes on them. Not because they were pro heroes but because there was something different about them today, than all the other days they came in. Was it the way they were standing so close to each other? Or Enji wrapping his arm around Keigo's shoulder? Or even Keigo wrapping his small arms around Enji's waist? Some customers looked confused, already having so many questions as to when this was official. Most looked disgusted, because of their age gap. Others were a little hurt, mainly Keigo's fans, since he's no longer single. The baristas however, were trying their hardest to contain their joy.

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