Chapter 1

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                    ‘’Why?’’ His voice pleaded, but his gaze was stone hard.

                ‘’Because of what you’ve done. You’re no different than Caleb, Alexander. You were worried about him, yet you were the one who hurt me the most,’’ she growled. He flinched, turning his back to her.

                ‘’I’ve done things I’m not proud of, but I will never apologize for the expulsion. You can fight me, but I’ll fight back harder. Don’t think anything we had between us will make me go easy on you.’’ Rosalie let out a short humorless laugh. Her ribs screamed, but she refused to show any sign of pain. Sweat laced her forehead, a fever coming closer.

                ‘’What is ‘us’, exactly?’’

                ‘’I loved you more than Caleb ever did. But, no, you just have to act like an ice queen and ruin it all.’’ He threw his hands into the air, frustration rolling off him. She coughed, blood splattering on her chest. Rosalie felt disgusted by herself, but not more than by him. Alexander walked to her feet, crouching down. His deep frown told her it could be dangerous to provoke him.

                ‘’Look at you, Rosalie. Just look at what you’ve become. You let your life pass by while you think about destroying what our ancestors made.’’ His gentle, taunting tone irritated her. She averted her eyes to him.

                ‘’It won’t be me who’ll destroy it. You’ve already done it.’’ 

                    Chapter 1 (will soon be rewritten)

'No, stop it!'

Rosalie squirmed beneath her brother, laughing. Even though they were almost adults, Andrew couldn't resist tickling her and making her laugh, just to hear that beautiful sound coming out of her mouth. Ever since their mother and father died in a battle, Rosalie has been quiet and Andrew had missed his little sister, her smile, her laugh, her childish attitude.

'Come on Rose, don't be so weak! Fight back-'

With all force she had, Rosalie pushed him off her but knew it couldn't hurt him, not even a little bit. Andrew was built like a warrior: strong, muscular and tall. The sharp creases on his face resembled their father, just like his dark brown short hair. Rosalie, on the other side was similar to neither her father nor her mother. With dark black hair and blue eyes, she was one the most wanted girls for marriage in the Kingdom.

In the Kingdom they lived in, the Vallor Kingdom, there was a rule that the most beautiful woman must marry the King's champion, which in this case was Caleb.

Women had never liked that, but the King who made it was a selfish and unattractive old man who envied his champion and his beautiful wife. Since he knew she'll never love him, the King wanted not to be the only one who will suffer. He planned to forbid the future king's champion to marry who he loves, but marry someone breathtakingly beautiful. That way, other Kings will also suffer by watching how they can't have a gorgeous woman by their side. The King knew it was selfish and that future kings may even kill their champions to get their wives, but he didn't care. Unfortunately for women, his descendants continued the tradition.

Rosalie met Caleb when she came to sing in honour of Alexander's, the new King, arrival when his father Arthur died of disease. Caleb and Rosalie fell in love and got married after only three weeks. They went to greet Alexander and explain about they hadn't broke with the tradition. Rosalie wanted to live with Caleb, but couldn't because of her brother who was alone. Just like he hadn't left her when their parents died, she couldn't let him live a lone life, at least for a while.

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