Good bye, My First love

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"Kyla, I give you this ring, wear it with love and joy. I choose you to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward for better or for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish as long as we both shall live"

Steve look at the couple saying their promises to each other. A tears slowly fall into his eyes. He can't help but to remember his past.

5 years ago, he and Kyla was in relationship. They fell in love with each other but something happened. He needed to fix himself and in order to do that, he left her and went to US.

Then a month ago, Kyla and him met again in the US, she invited him to her wedding and he agreed, that's why he was here.

While looking at them, he was happy because everything happened turned out to be better.

'It looks like breaking up with you is the right choice' he thought

Yes, he is still loves Kyla but he needed to let her go because he knows that theres someone out there will make her smile

"Thank you Steve"

Kyla smile and he hug her for the last time

He thought that him and Kyla would last but in the process of their relationship, he realize that he gave too much love that he forget to love himself.

Sometimes you need to let go of someone in order for you to find a love that is better on both of you.

Before he left the venue, he turned around and smiled

"Good bye, my first love"

'In the end we are not meant to be.. Thank you for making me smile but now I needed to love myself'

The End

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