✿ - 1

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     ✿ — LEE HYUNSEO HAPPILY SKIPPED up the steps to a very familiar building. the lawn was neatly cut as always, with pretty white carnations lining the edges of the house.

hyunseo stopped in front of the pretty french doors, smoothing out her nicest white skirt and tucking a stray piece of hair behind her hair. she wanted to look her absolutely best. one hand was holding a large bouquet of white carnations- her favourite flower- and the other was slightly extended and shaking infront of the doorbell.

hyunseo took a deep breath in, rang the doorbell, and then quickly held her breath again, anxiously squeezing her eyes shut.

a loud click was heard from the door, and hyunseo quickly opened her eyes again to be met with the gorgeous face of

ahn yujin?

"y-yujin?" hyunseo sputtered out nervously. she was not expecting ahn yujin to be here.

"leeseo! hey, kid." yujin said with a grin, calling the younger by her nickname. she playfully ruffled the younger girls neatly done hair. hyunseo pouted at the older girl before quickly fixing her hair again. "are those flowers for me? you know carnations are my favourite." yujin sent the younger girl a wink. hyunseo let out a giggle.

"n-no, yujin! um, is gaeul here?" hyunseo politely asked the taller girl. yujin nodded.

"hey gaeul, someone's at the door for you!" the girl called out. within seconds the older girl appeareared, and hyunseo's breath hitched.

"hey, leeseo!" gaeul greeted the younger with a smile. hyunseo gulped before replying.

"h-hey gaeul! uh, here you go," hyunseo said, holding out her bouquet to gaeul. yujin gave hyunseo an awkward smile, and gaeul took a sharp breath in.

"thanks leeseo, you know these are my favourite! uhm, what's the special occasion?" gaeul asked, confused, reluctantly taking the flowers from hyunseo. the younger girl shyly smiled at gaeul before replying.

"i'm giving you these flowers.. because.. because, i like you, gaeul!" hyunseo blurted out. "gaeul it's been so hard keeping this in, but i've liked you for the longest time! ever since we became friends i knew there was something different about you, and i hope you feel the same way about me. now please, be my girlfriend! and accept my flowers!"

gaeul looked at the younger girl, mouth parted and eyes wide open in shock. her confused look quickly turned into one of anger.

"god, hyunseo, will you ever get the hint!" gaeul snapped. "i don't like you! i never have and i never will! you're so annoying, i hate you!"

hyunseo's lip trenmbled after hearing the girl yell at her. hot tears were bubbling up in her eyes, threatening to spill at any moment. it didn't matter if what gaeul said was true or not, it didn't change the fact that her words hurt.

"did you really mean all of that.." hyunseo quietly asked the red-faced older girl, who was trembling with anger.

"yes! now leave. and i never, ever want to see you again!" gaeul yelled. hyunseo let out a choked sob as the tears finally spilled down her cheeks.

"will you at least take m-" hyunseo began, but was cut off when she felt her head whip to the side and her cheek sting. she looked at the older girl and saw her fuming. was that her? hyunseo's hand instinctively went up to her now-swelling cheek, and whimpered.

she took one last embarrassing look at gaeul before running off. she didn't know where she was running to for now, but she needed to get far away from that house.

uhhh what is this. anyways, this is just a fan fiction, gaeul is a sweet girl she wouldn't do this irl 😭

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