Not Salem's Day

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Salem was the butler of Clarise Phantomhive along with his responsibility of a reaper like his mother, you'd think that this would be enough for most young adults and most people who liked him would back up till everything got to a slow day to ask him out or flirt, Leo was not one of those people, he was the type to flirt while Salem was doing let's say cleaning "hey Salem, are you sure you didn't reap my soul as I feel out of breath around you" he winked at him and was met with a mix of soap and water to the face "sorry my lord but I'm busy right now so I'd appreciate being left alone till I'm done" he smiled then ran off to do something else, FAR away from Leo aka making  sure the other three, older members of staff weren't bothering his father and try to help with their problems which he handled swiftly, afterward when he went to find his father to ask for another task to be far away from Leo who was talking with the taller redhead's father who looked at him "Salem are you doing anything for Clarise for the rest of the day" Salem sighed "no,not that she's told me yet" he resigned to his fate "good as Leo would like to take you out for the day,I have no other work to give you today if you'd like to go" the smaller demon nodded and gluped a little "I-I would enjoy that, let me get cleaned up first" he ran off to find Clarise "give me a useless task that'll take all day" he grabbed his small friend by her shoulders "um,can you deliver this letter to Lady Alice Trancy and return her copy of Richard the Thrid and Henry the Fith to her" she handed the butler a letter with a red wax seal and the copy of the Shakespear plays she needed to return after he got changed when he ran into Sebasitan again "I can't go with Leo today, Clarise gave me a task to return Alice's books and give her a letter" he ran out the front door of the manor before Leo stopped him "Hey Salem you ready to leave,I was thinking of taking you out for lunch as a thank you for taking care of my little sisters for me while I was away for school" Leo smiled and grabbed Salem's hands which made him blush as red as his hair "sorry but your sister ordered me to return something to Alice" Leo smiled evily "I can take you there and protect you from Claude" the blonde male smirked as the carriage pulled around for them "well,let's go Salem"  the reaper sighed and got in with the blonde who held his hand the entire time, forgetting Salem gets motion sick in any mode of transport aside from running and walking so he looked more pale than usual and a little green, Leo pulled him to lay his head in his lap and try to keep the much taller male from moving too much as he closed his eyes to forget they were moving to keep the nausa to a minimum "almost there" he tapped the redhead's shoulder when they arrived as Salem untangled himself from the blonde Phantomhive and jump out to vomit against a nearby tree for a solid minute with Leo holding back his long red hair for him till he stopped,using the towel that was covering the letter and books to wipe off his face "I thought demons didn't eat"  Salem nodded "reapers do and I do since I'm half reaper so I eat but not as much as other reapers" he wiped off his shoes then took the basket "you wait here, I'll give these back" he walked up to the door and gave the basket to Claude and the pair were on their way home as soon as they got to their destination. When they got back to Phantomhive manor Grell was talking with Sebastian in the front garden when she saw her son vomiting behind a tree, distracting her husband from what was going on till the two boys came over to see greet them.

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