Chapter 1 - Eye contact

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It was an early morning and I woke up in my friends apartment, I looked over at the alarm and saw it was 5 am "ugh.. it's way to early for this"
I got out of bed after 5 minutes of suffering from the heat of the summer weather and went to the shower.

I went pass Alexa's room and decided to see if she is still sleeping wich she is, I went to the bathroom, turned on the shower, stripped myself and went under the cold water, letting it run down my body, I washed myself off and got a towel, wrapping it around my body.
I blow dryed my hair and put on makeup for the upcoming concert tonight.

I went back to my room and picked out an outfit, black ripped jeans, black boots and a Rammstein t-shirt I borrowed from Alexa because I've never seen or heard of the band Rammstein maybe only one song but that's all, so I was exited to see who they are, Alexa have told me so much about them and they sound interesting to me.

I was in the middle of changing when my door burst open "JANE!! ITS TODAY!" Alexa yelled from the door "JESUS! You almost gave me a heart attack!" I yelled back at her "oh sorry- I'm just exited, we have to go early so we can get close to the stage" she said almost jumping around "ok first of all calm down, second of all don't worry, we will get close I promise you" I said and smiled to her and she smiled back at me.


It's been 1 hour and we made it to the were the concert would be, there wasn't meany people so hopefully we could get close, they let us in and Alexa took my hand and ran off, we actually got up pretty close, only a row of people in front of us "LETS GO!" Alexa said exited, I chuckled and stood admiring the stage.

After 1-2 hours there was a lot of people, I have never seen so meany people at one place before, we stood talking and suddenly a loud band came from the stage, we looked up and saw the 6 members come out one after one, I immediately got my eyes on one of the guitarists, he played a black guitar and was definitely the smallest out of them all, but he seemed nice.. if I remember correctly Alexa told me his name was Paul, Paul Landers, I know he was one of Alexa's favorite after the front singer Till Lindemann.

They finished the first song and I looked at Paul again, I had to admit he was actually really pretty if you don't think about his age, his smile was the best, I kept looking his direction and somehow we ended up having eye contact before they started playing the next song, I new this one, it's called Engel, I really liked this song, the lyrics, the melody, everything.

It's the end of the song and I got eye contact with Paul again, he had beautiful blue/grey eyes and a adorable smile, he looked at me and waved followed by a little wink, I waved back at him and smiled "Did Paul just wave and wink at you?! There is no way" Alexa said shocked, I chuckled by her reaction "well apparently he did" I replied.
We talked and talked while there was a break, suddenly Paul came running out with a peace of paper and said something to the guard, he gave the paper a kiss and gave it to the guard, the guard nodded to him and searched for someone, he looked at me and signed with his finger for me to come closer, I went as close as I could and he handed me a peace of paper, Alexa was screaming, classic.. I looked at the paper to find his autograph and one of his guitar picks taped to the paper, I smiled under my nose and showed Alexa "he did not! He 100% likes you Jane" she said "you think?" I said confused "obviously! The way he looked at you and him just randomly giving you his autograph with his guitar pick" she said clearly jealous, I laughed it off.


It was after the show and we waited to leave until the worst of the crowd was gone, we stood talking when we decided to leave, I looked at the stage a last time before leaving, admiring it for the last time and left with Alexa and the rest of the people.

A/N: will she see Paul again? And do you think there was more then just a autograph and a guitar pick on the paper?

802 words

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