Star and Moon

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Inside the practice room of the Diva world, the sound of guitar and bass accompanying each other as usual. Heavy sweating didn't bother the two Kagamine modules with blackish clothing from practicing as their fingers dance on the strings, their passion didn't died after all these years.

After another passionate practice piece ended, two of them put their instrument away and decided to call it a day.

"Black," The boy was first to the bench covered with their belongings, and called the girl's name with a soft voice.

The moment when two blue eyes met, the boy slowly threw the water bottle upward towards her. From the voice to action, then to the boy's tenderness on his face when looking at the girl, people might forget that he was the same person who was swaying his passion along with the music.

The girl catches the bottle easily with her right hand without even blinking. She didn't know how many times she had done the same action already.

"Thanks, Blue." She still remember to thanked him before opening the lid.

Blue Moon didn't answered, he was putting his yellow towel over his head and drizzled a bit of water from the bottle onto his face, then he quickly wiped his face with the towel.

"Good work today, Black." Then Blue Moon grabbed the orange towel, and put it around BlackStar's neck while she was chucking water.

"We finally got through the part where we were stuck last time." Black Star finally wiped the sweat off her face with part of the towel.

Suddenly, a ray of bright light appeared right at Black Star's face. This usually means that their master has a job for her or have a private message to her.

Then, of course, a white screen pop up in front of her.

'Kagamine Rin&Len 14th Birthday Concert 'Two You' calls for you! One of Rin's songs would be 'End of Solitude' and perform by one of her modules Black Star!'

Black Star was shocked after seeing the message, she couldn't say a word for a very long time. Many thoughts went mixed up in her head.

When's the last time she went up on stage this big? And the world didn't forget that she existed?

However, when she turned to Blue Moon, those voices were silent.

Even though in the Diva world, they were always performing together with Black Star being the only one singing, but they still hangs around with each other. However, once it's on the stage of outside world, it's only Black Star and her guitar.

"Congrats, Black." A slight sorrow is difficult for the boy to hide it well. He still make up a smile for her, just like how it was years ago.

Black Star didn't know what to said as her hands began shaking uncontrollably. She has no idea it's because of the excitement to go back onto the big stage or the guilt of facing her partner.

Since she was not responding, Blue Moon had no choice put to open up both of his arms and embrace her tightly.

With complex feelings, Black Star either cover them all up or spit them all out, one way or the other. They been partners for years, and of course Blue Moon knows it better than anyone, even herself included.

Rather than talking to her, who's unprepared at all, it's better to give his everything into a hug for her.

Maybe it'll take some time, but it's just enough for her.

Black Star was surprised by him at first, then she finally loosen up little by little, slowly puts her arms around him and embrace him just as tightly as him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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