Magenta Eyes

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There he stood, saying his last goodbye to me. Holy Rome had his army soldiers ready to go and was nearly crying. I couldn't help but feel as though a certain presence was watching us carefully, making sure not to miss a single detail of our actions. "Goodbye, Italia. I promise I will come back one day. I'll miss you when I'm gone." Holy Rome said, trying to hold back tears. "H-Holy Rome, don't go! I can't live without you! I'll even join your empire, just don't leave me alone!" Holy Rome ignored the cries and said bluntly, "I'm sorry Italia, goodbye..." He kissed me and left, finally letting his tears roll down his face. I started to cry, eventually starting to sob. 

Then I saw a glimpse of someone hiding behind a bush. After Holy Rome's army left I decided to see who was spying on me. "H-Hello? Is that you, Big Brother France?" I said walking towards the bush receiving no answer. After a few moments I decided to look for myself and found what someone that seemed oddly familiar. "C-Ciao? Who are you?" 

A small girl was sitting in the bushes. Her magenta eyes showed an adorable personality, but somehow I knew that something was off. She was wearing a dress like Mrs.Hungary gave me only hers was pink. She stayed silent until finally she uttered, "Ciao! You look very pretty! Could I have a hug?" I stared at her for a moment before deciding whether to trust her or not. Eventually, I decided to hug her. Her cold body consumed mine into a big hug. "You're really stupid, aren't you?" She whispered coldly into my ear and pulled out something shiny. Before I knew what was happening I felt a sensation of pain on my left shoulder blade. With wide eyes I exclaimed, "Ow! S-Stop! Please! Holy Rome, help me!" She grinned and replied, "You should have joined him sooner. Now you have to face the consequences." She began digging deeper into my skin as I cried and tried to bear the pain.

Suddenly, my eyes flew open. I was lying in bed next to Germany, meaning since he's still here that it must be night time still. Sweat was dripping down my face as I got out of bed. 'What a strange dream. That's not how I remember Holy Rome leaving though. But enough of that, I'm hungry for pasta!' I quietly exited the bedroom, making sure not to wake Germany. Suddenly, I heard a loud shatter. Smash! With wide eyes, I ran back into the bedroom and glomped Germany. "Germany!! I heard a loud smash upstairs!! Help!!" I almost yelled at him to wake him up. "Vhat ze hell, Feliciano?! Go back to sleep right now! I'll handle this," Germany said getting out of bed and pushing me off him. 

"No, don't leave me! I don't want the Flying Spaghetti Monster to get me!"

"Vell, it's too dangerous to come with me. Just stay here and don-"

I gasped as Germany was cut off by a knife in his neck. "Germany!!" I yelled and tackled him in a hug. Soon, the house was filled with cries and a few faint giggles coming from the attacker.


Hi. So this is my first Hetalia fanfic. It would be pretty awesome if you commented and told me about things you would like to see or improvements. Just anything that tells me "Hey! This is good!" or "Hey! This is terrible!" would be great. I might not continue it but, whatever you people want is what I'll give ya! Unless, I have something planned out.... Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2015 ⏰

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