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Most of the stories I have written have been funny romance books. I actually felt like my muse was wearing out, leaving me to rot away. Yet, these ideas came hurdling to me and here I am writing the first chapter to the first book in the trilogy. The other two books already have names, descriptions, and characters.

The order is:
1) Bruises
2) Hickeys
3) Cuts

The second one has a less dense plot, so that one will be a little more flamboyant. Anyways, enjoy.


The rain pelted down on the sidewalk. My limp brown hair hung in strands around my pale face. I gently brush my fingers along the crevices in the wall, sighing loudly. The school buses and cars had all deserted the area. I knew it was nearing six, which meant I had to walk home. At six the janitor would come, making his second sweep of the place. He paid no mind the first time, but the second he always grew suspicious. I couldn't keep up the lies, they were too inconsistent and unbelievable at times. Surely he would catch on at some point, then I would be screwed.

I push off of the steps, slinging my battered backpack over my shoulder. I then push my hair away, clunking down the sidewalk. I try to ignore the gnawing feeling in my gut, biting my lip until blood pours through. I wince at the coopery taste, knowing it all too well. It seemed to be a familiar flavor, as would coffee or ice cream be to others. I had almost grown accustomed to it, which seemed all the more sad.

I spot my familiar large brown house, another sigh escaping my lips. I wander up the large path and push open the door. Not a single thing moves, not a single sound heard. I gulp, lightly padding up the staircase to get to my room. As I round the corner, a feeling of escape filling me, I hear the all to familiar clearing of the throat. I silently turn to look at my father, his eyes burning holes through me. I gulp again, resisting the urge to cry.

"Why are you so late Mavis?" He asks, crossing his arms with a scowl. "You know I want you here on time."

"I-I got caught up with my t-teacher," I say quietly, my eyes wide and my body shaking. "It won't happen again!"

He makes a tsk noise, shaking his head with almost a sad smile. "You know what happens when you lie, Mavis." Who was he kidding? It happened all the time.

I involuntarily flinch, trying to back up. He just walks forward, a sneer on his lips. He pushes me backwards against the wall, my shoulder smacking hard against the wood. I let out a scream, his grip on my arm tightening as he flings me down to the scraggly carpet. I attempt to crawl away, but he latches onto my ankle and whips me backwards again. The wind in knocked out of me as I land with a crack, face up.

"Mavis!" Crows my mother, gliding elegantly up the stairs. My father grabs my arms, lifting slightly. My mother turns the corner and gasps loudly, looking at me with widen eyes. "Oh baby what happened to you!" She cries walking over to where we both are currently at.

"She fell, smacked into the wall and everything. I came rushing up to help her, poor girl," my father says, his voice seemingly calm and sad-but his eyes hold a intense glare, set right on my face. "Right Mavie?"

I blink, before slowly nodding and offering my mother a weak smile. "You know how clumsy I can be," I laugh bitterly. "I'll just go ice my shoulder in my room."

I stand up, wincing slightly as I hobble over to my door and push it open. As it shuts softly the tears start to roll down my face. Sobs threaten to break out of me, my chest crashing. I run to my bed, pouncing on it and wrapping myself in the covers. I sob into my pillows quietly.

Why was she so blind? Didn't she see how much I got hurt? Didn't she here me beg to be with her instead of with him? Didn't she notice how he was always around when I was hurt? Didn't she see I was slowly breaking, hear my cries? Why couldn't she see my pain? Why couldn't she see I was scared? What on earth did I do to deserve this? Will it ever get better?

The answer was no. It would never get better. I would be beaten until collage, maybe even then I would still face his wrath. Who knew if he would even let me leave. I could be cursed to a life of pain and sorrow. I could be stuck in these white walls forever. Who would come and save me? Not just from him, but from myself. From the pain, tears, and bruises. From the feeling of being unwanted. From everything. From everyone.

From here.

Someone save me from here.

I walk into school, a long sleeved shirt on and jeans. I wear a green coat, my hair pulled into a ponytail. My eyes are slightly red from my crying. I only had crappy drug store makeup to cover myself. I hoped the concealer would keep the dark bruise on my jaw hidden, at least for the school day. People would question it-since I ended up with them a lot-and maybe figure me out.

I brush it off, walking to my locker with a frown. I pull open the locker and shove in my books. I absentmindedly play with my locket, biting my lip. I hear a snicker, then a full blown laugh. I turn to see a group of girls laughing-looking right at me. I quickly look away, my lips pulled into a deeper frown.

One of them starts to walk toward me, causing me to panic. I didn't want to be confronted, I didn't want to be noticed, but the tall red headed girl seemed to look past this. She strolls up to me, her head tilted sideways. Her gaze is set on my face as her perfectly done nails drag up the side of her own.

"Who are you?" She snickers, resting a hand on my shoulder. I wince at this action, trying to cover it with a smile, but it just comes out as a grimace.

"Mavis, I'm Mavis," I say lowly, hoping she takes this as a sign to go away.

"Mavis? What a weird name," she scoffs, causing me to look at her. She towered over me in her six inch heels, but it wasn't the least bit intimidating.

"What do you want?" I ask defeated, but it sounded snarky. I didn't mean for it to, but my mouth just must have decided to be rude.

She didn't seem to like my mouths plan, as she sneers and pushes me against the locker. I feel the pain as soon as I make impact, biting my lip to keep in the sobs. She glowers down at me, her friends swarming around and a group starts to form. I look up at the girl with sad eyes, silently begging for her not to hurt me. I had been hurt enough, I didn't need anything more.

"Can't you just leave me alone?" I beg snappily.

"Can't you ever shut up?" She retorts.

"Can you?" I regret the words as they leave my mouth.

She slaps my across the face, causing my head to snap to the side. She lets out a throaty laugh and the growing crowed laughs too. She then pushes me again, getting close to my face. I try not to flinch, but I do. Which causes a satisfied smirk to form on her lips. She then smacks her gum and turns around with a thrust of her hips. She sashays away with her group trailing behind her. Congratulating her on her unnecessary action.

I look around at the group of people, heat filling my cheeks. I quickly grab my things and sprint to my next class, begging for the tears not to spill. I hated how vulnerable I was, even when nobody could tell. How the bruises cause me to ache and how I'm always obligated to cover them. I hate how my 'dad' makes me feel and how he makes me look. I hate him. I've always hated him.

So maybe that means I need to escape, that's what kids do right?


आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: May 20, 2015 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

Bruises (Book 1 in Marked Trilogy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें