Super Cat

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Super Cat sped through the air, his cape flowing out behind him.

He was hurrying to get to the park to find out which Dog was causing

chaos. A worried mummy rabbit had alerted Super Cat saying that a naughty Dog was terrifying the little bunnies who were having fun at the park.

When he landed at the gate of the park he saw who he was going to have to battle. It was Dog Danger, he was a mean baddie who was always frightening the baby rabbits.

“Dog Danger I have come to  ask you nicely to leave the bunnies alone, they were playing nicely before you arrived”

“Hahahaha Super Cat, I just love terrifying these bunnies, it’s so much fun” Dog Danger said whilst turning to the bunnies and growling at them

Super Cat looked over towards the bunnies and saw that they had all gone over to their mummies to hide behind them for safety.

“Leave now Dog Danger or I will zap you with my powers” said Super Cat, getting ready to zap Dog Danger with his laser eyes

“You don’t scare me kitty cat” laughed Dog Danger, his laughter boomed across the park, scaring away any other animal who was watching

“I’ll give you one last chance”

“Or what” growled Dog Danger

“Or I will zap you”

“Hahahaha” Dog Danger laughter before he let out a massive howl and charged towards Super Car

Luckily Super Cat was prepared and was able to zap Dog Danger before he got too close.

The zap from Super Cat knocked Dog Danger over and made him whimper before giving Super Cat a big scowl before running off out of the park. The mummy rabbits and the little bunnies were so happy now that Dog Danger was gone.

“Hooray for Super Cat” they all chanted

A little bunny came up to Super Cat and said.

“Thank you Mr Super Cat for protecting us”

Super Cat smiled down at the bunny and patted it’s head.

“I will always protect my town, no matter what” Super Cat replied to the little bunny

The bunny smiled and hopped back to his mummy. The bunnies started playing in the park again and the mummy rabbits were happy again. Super Cat smiled to himself knowing he did a good job.

“Well everyone my work here is done, goodbye for now, and stay safe”

“Goodbye Super Cat” everyone replied

Super Cat waved and then took off into the air to fly back to his base. To await his next mission to sort out those naughty Dogs.

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