Super Cat meets his Sidekick

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Super Cat was having a stroll around town after buying some fish, for his dinner, from the market. He walked past an alleyway when he heard someone crying.

“Hello, is there someone there” called out Super Cat

He walked through the opening of the alleyway and found a little cat near some bins.

“Hello there, I am Super Cat, what is your name” he said to the cat

The little cat looked up and was surprised to see Super Cat standing in front of him.

“My name is Mittens” the cat said

Super Cat held out his paw for Mittens to hold it to be helped up off the ground.

“What are you doing here and why was you crying” asked Super Cat

Mittens wiped the tears from his eyes.

“My friends don’t like me because they don’t believe I have super powers” sniffed Mittens

“What super powers do you have?” asked Super Cat

“I can climb fast up anything, like trees and buildings and can jump a long way and can do other things too”

Super Cat had a think, there was a lot of naughty Dogs around that he could have a little hand with. Not that he couldn’t sort everything out on his own. But it would be nice to have a Sidekick to work with him and to mentor.

“How about you become my sidekick and help me out with any naughty dog emergencies, they are always causing trouble one way or another”

“Oh yes please Super Cat, I would love to help you”

“Then that’s settled then, do you have somewhere to stay”

“I live with my mummy and daddy”

“That’s good then, let’s take you home so that your parents don’t worry about where you are, I’m sure they must be worried about you?”

“They must be, I haven’t been home all day”

“Do you know where you live? I may be Super Cat but I don’t know where everyone lives”

Mittens laughed

“Of course I know where I live, follow me Super Cat “

Super Cat and Mittens walked out of the alleyway and along the street. Half way to Mittens’s home they came across Dog Bark Alot who is known to bark at little animals to scare them so much that they can’t move. There were little squirrels who were scared stiff on the ground completely frightened of Dog Bark Alot

“Super Cat what do we do?” asked Mittens

“We need to get those squirrels up in that tree out of the way of Dog Bark Alot” replied Super Cat

“I can help” said Mittens, “I can pick them up and run up the tree with them really quickly”

“Ok you do that Mittens and I will send Dog Bark Alot on his way, we can’t have him barking and scaring everyone”

With the plan set, Super Cat flew over to Dog Bark Alot.

“Dog Bark Alot, you need to stop your barking, it’s upsetting the town” said Super Cat

Dog Bark Alot stopped barking and turned towards Super Cat. Mittens quickly took the squirrels and went up the nearest tree to help the squirrels to safety.

“Thank you, you helped us” said a squirrel

“No problem, happy to help” said Mittens feeling proud of himself for helping the squirrels

“Are you helping Super Cat” asked another squirrel

“Yes I am, I’m his Sidekick” said Mittens

“Wow that’s amazing” all the squirrels

“I better get back to Super Cat, stay safe everyone”

“We will”

Mittens jumped down from the tree to see that there was a gathering of animals around where he was. Super Cat stood nearby.

“Well done for taking the squirrels to safety, I made Dog Bark Alot go away so the squirrels can now be safe”

“Thank you for letting me help Super Cat”

“Well you are my sidekick”

Super Cat smiled down at Mittens.

“Lets get you back home”

“Yes please, that’s enough rescuing for one day”

“WAIT” shouted a voice from the crowd of animals

Mittens recognised the voice being from one of his friends Kale the Koala

“Hello Kale” said Mittens in a sad voice remembering what his friends had said earlier

“We believe you now, you are a real super hero, just like Super Cat “ said Kale

A few other friends stepped out of the crowd and came to hug Mittens.

“Are we still friends” asked Ruby the Rabbit

“Yes of course” replied Mittens

“I better be getting Mittens home, keep safe everyone” said Super Cat

“Bye Super Cat, bye Mittens” said all of Mittens friends

When Mittens went to bed that night he looked back at his day which went from sad to happy. He couldn’t wait to do super hero things with Super Cat again.

Super Cat meets his SidekickWhere stories live. Discover now