It's His Year.

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"Eddie!" Dustin cried, limping towards his injured friend, his eyes filled with tears.

Once he reaches Eddie he falls to his knees, crying. "Eddie..! Eddie can you hear me?" "Loud and clear.." The young adult managed to chuckle, blood pouring from his mouth.

"I didn't run this time." He smiles. "You didn't run.. You're a hero, Eddie..." Dustin cries.

Eddie then grabs Dustin's hand, smiling weakly" Henderson, promise me to look after the little sheep." Dustin shakes his head, Sniffling. ''No, Eddie.. You'll take care of th-them, you need to go to the hos-hospital!"

"Say it Henderson, Say that you'll look after them."

"I-I'll look after.. Them.." Dustin barely manages to say"

"Good, Ya' know, Henderson... I think it's finally my year." Eddie smiles, his eyes red and puffy, same as Dustin's.

"I think it is as well... We'll bring you to a hospital Eddie..."

Eddie looks up at Dustin for the last time, smiling.

"I love you, man.."

"I-I love you too..." Dustin stammers, sadness washing over him.



"Eddie, please don't leave me!"


Dustin cries, clutch onto Eddie and his Breaths come to an end, his breath has gone cold.


       :_&. -.     /(/-\$    . -. &_:

       - TWO DAYS LATER -

After Packing, Reviving Hoppers Cabin and helping in the school. Life still isnt normal, in fact.. It never was.

Atleast there won't be harmful drawings on Eddie's missing posters anymore...

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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