it was the day

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I was running as fast as i could. Away from the girls. Help please... Hi i am Charlotte Carter but people call me cc.. I am living at an orphanage for 17 years now.. I am currently 19... Well almost. Tomorrow is my birthday but nobody cares. I get bullied way too much so that lead me to social anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and cutting. I am really skinny for my age. Almost 19 and i weigh 100lbs. I have blue hair with black underneath.. I am very pale and in love with black veil brides. Ok back to reality... The preppy bullies were chasing after me for a reason that i dont know. I suddenly trip over a rock and fall flat on my face. The girls just laugh at me. I slowly get up and notice that i have a bloody nose which makes them laugh more. It was now close to interviewing time so all of the girls were getting all slutty looking and girly as i put on some eyeliner, black ripped skinnies, a bvb shirt, batman shoes, convers, batman hoodie, and a shit ton of bracelets.. All of the girls lined up and i got a few looks and laugh ats because i had bruises everywhere.. All of these perverted men came in and looked at all the slutty girls, then it came to me, they just laughed. All of a sudden i hear a really familiar voice. I feel someone tap my shoulder so i looked up.. There he was.. My hero, my savior, my life.

but i'm just an emo girl. (andy beirsack love story)Where stories live. Discover now