Important Author's Note

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Hello reader

Welcome to my story

I will be explaining something before you can go ahead and go wild


Now now, English isnt my first language, so my deepest apologies if you dont understand what i mean in some parts

This is the first time i make a fanfic, all the stuff i have done before (which is only like 4 oneshots) are completely original, so sorry if the characters act out of character

This story was inspired by Danganronpa: Beyond, One more try, Trial and error, return... Retry... Restart...continue? And others 

Now lets get on how the interactive part of the story works

As i already stated in the description, at the end of every chapter the reader will have to make a choice that will affect on the story, with the exception of the first prologue.

It will affect on multiple ways,like preventing a death, change y/n's personality, be friends/enemies with characters, be a low-key antagonist, let someone murder, etc, the possibilities are endless

Y/N's personality will start off as your typical Y/N from ay fic, but you will be able to change them as the story goes on

the story should have ATLEAST 40 chapters ,if i dont give up due to lack of motivation, which i think is good enough for some character develpment 

there are not multiple endings, rather infinite id say, depending on the choices you make 

There will be 3 types of choices you can make, closed, open, and mixed

This is how they are going to work, ill show you some examples

1.- Closed question:

Korekiyo asked you to help him perform the seance. You..:

A) Agree to help him out and be positive about it

B) Agree to help him out but complain about it

C)Disagree to help him out, in a polite way

D) Disagree to help him out, letting him know to not expect your help on anything


In a closed question, you will have to vote on which option you want to go with in the story, to vote you just have to reply the letter with that has the answer you want, the option with the most votes wins

2.- Open question

You decided to tell kaede that you have an Ultimate Talent, which is..:


In this question you can feel free to teply anything, the winner will be chosen by random, or if other users comment the same answer, or reply to the comment saying they would vote that as an answear

3.-Mixed question

Kaede has asked you about your Ultimate talent, you..:

A) Lie about my ultimate

B) Tell her i dont remember my ultimate

C) Tell her i dont have an ultimate

D) Other:


In this type of question, you can reply with another answer that is not listed, and people can vote to it too

Choices can be from very important to just free time stuff, and you pretty much are molding y/n into beign how you please


Please do comment since i want to see if there are people actually seeing this

This book will only be updated if there is only atleast One person replying and making the choices, so if you are the only person reading this, yup, you can mold the story in whatever you personally please

Yes, you can reply other comments that are not you making a choice


The rest of this is quite odvious stuff

Let me remind you of the basic stuff

Y/N= (Your name)

L/N= (Last name)

E/C= (Eye color)

H/C= (Hair color)

F/C= (Favorite color)

F/F= (Favorite food)

And more than im lazy to put but follow the same logic

oh and the font the choices have is the same as the examples

Hope you enjoy my silly little story!


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