~Her Number (Sophella)~

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Here's a Sophella fanfiction. I heard this is actually a ship- an unpopular one- but a ship nevertheless. And you know what? I understand it. This ship would make for pretty good angst, not gonna lie. Do I ship it? No. I'm more of a Sophiana and Marellinh kind of person. But I can see this.

Alright, let's start writing. This'll be longer than the Fam oneshot I wrote earlier today, I promise.


✩Marella's POV✩

I shouldn't be thinking of her like this.

I should be thinking of that guy with the dimples, or the boy that caused the Great Gulon Incident, or literally any other boy in this entire school. Not her.

But the way she twirls her hair with her fingernails shyly has been implanted into my head like a chip. The way she laughs when someone tells a funny joke. The way she pulls out her eyelashes, one by one, when she's feeling nervous. The way she fiddles with her fingers when talking to her crush.

Who is a guy. And that guy is not me.

The guy in question should be the one my thoughts like these are targeted towards. I would give everything in my possession to be obsessed with him like she is obsessed with him.

But how could I be obsessed with a guy like him when she looks like that?

I trekked past her as usual, watching her from afar as she stuck her books in her locker, humming a pretty tune to herself when she thought nobody was listening. I gazed at her longingly, imagining a world where it was the boy with the teal eyes I was looking at. A world where I found guys remotely appealing.

Someone sighed with exasperation from behind me. I jumped to see a familiar girl with wavy dark brown hair leaning on the locker next to mine, raising her eyebrows at me with irritation.

"Ugh, I can't stand this. Just fucking talk to her," Biana groaned, earning herself an eye roll.

"She's straight. You know how much she's obsessed with your brother," I told Biana, for what felt like the millionth time.

"Bisexuals exist, y'know. And how do you know she's obsessed with him anyways?" Biana asked me.

I pointed to the blonde girl as she shut her locker, but especially pointing to a small framed picture of Fitz Vacker on the inside of her locker door. "That," I said firmly. "Is how I know. Now will you stop bugging about this?"

"No," Biana protested. "You know what? You're getting her number. Now."

"Biana, no," I groaned, turning a couple of heads as people walked by us.

"Biana, yes," Biana persisted. She paused, then spoke. "If you ask that blonde girl you're practically in love with for her number, I'll ask my own crush for hers."

My ears perked up. "You mean that hot girl in your Chemistry class?"

Biana grinned nervously, obviously regretting her promise now. And that was exactly why I had to seal this.

"Alright, fine. I'll do it." I scanned the area cautiously, watching the blonde girl grab her books out of her locker and walk down the corridor. I ran after her clumsily, accidentally sliding my foot under hers.

The girl toppled over, banging her knee on the pristine floor in the hallway. Her chestnut brown eyes shined with freckles of pure gold as she looked at me with shock, a light pinkish hue coloring her cheeks. She brushed her silky blonde hair out of her face, still keeping her gaze trained on mine, her mouth slightly agape.

"I'm so sorry," I apologized profusely, grabbing her textbook from the floor and getting up, stretching out my arm to her. She blinked, and then snatched my hand hastily, her mouth still wide open.

"It's okay," she whispered quietly, then pulled herself together, forcing a bright smile onto her face.

"Hi, I'm Sophie," she grinned awkwardly, reaching over to shake my hand. I grinned back, flipping my blonde braids behind my shoulders and shaking her hand with mine.

"Marella," I practically squealed, although it didn't seem like Sophie noticed.

"Um," I stuttered anxiously. "I was actually wondering if I could have your number?"

Sophie's eyes widened- the look in her eyes easily translating to something close to horror that made me want to take everything back and run away. But for some reason, I couldn't, no matter how much I tried.

"Um, yes," Sophie said quickly, blushing bright red. "I mean, yeah. Sure." She grinned, giving me a slip of paper from her jacket pocket. "Here."

"Thanks," I said giddily, shoving the paper into the pocket of my jeans. "I'll text you later. Maybe we could meet up after school at that bookstore across the street?"

Sophie's eyes brightened. "Sure, that sounds great!"

"Awesome," I said as casually as I could. "Well, see you then." Without thinking, I winked at her as I turned away to walk to class, giving her skin a cute cherry red tint.

𝓂𝒾𝒹𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 (𝒶 𝓀𝑜𝓉𝓁𝒸 𝑜𝓃𝑒𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓉𝓈 𝒷𝑜𝑜𝓀)Where stories live. Discover now