Chapter 1: The reading

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I'm sitting at a round table, where we're doing our first reading for the new movie. I'm sitting next to Pedro Pascal, Pedro. My best friend, he plays my best friend too, in the movie, which is why i took the role. He convinced me.

In front of me, there's a row of people, i know some of them, some of them i don't. But there's one person that stands out. She looks familiar.. She has short, black hair, brown eyes and gorgeous freckles. "Oscar?" Pedro whispers. "Yeah?" "There's the girl from that movie we watched yesterday!" He points at her. Sophie Castle. That's what i know her from. She's playing in a movie with me?

I fix my hair. "Oscar, your turn." I hear someone with a strong New Zealand accent say. I look up and see the director of the film, — Taika Waititi — waiting for me to start reading my lines. "Oh yes, yes" I panic and flip my pages to the right page. I start reading out loud. "And when he gave up on humanity, after all these horrible years, he found her. She made him believe again, in love, hope and strength." She. Who would play "She"?

I look up again to catch staring back at me, Sophie. She quickly glances away and stands up to leave the room. She. I grab my jacket and follow her to the break room.

I twirl my curly hair with my finger before walking up to her. "Hi, we haven't formally met, Oscar Isaac, nice to meet you." "Hi Oscar, i'm Sophie Castle. Nice to meet you too. You play my love interest right?" "Yes, i guess i do." I laugh awkwardly and take a step backwards. "Guess i'll see you around then?" "Guess you will." She says.

I make my way over to Pedro who's chatting with another cast member. He's drinking an iced coffee and is wiggling his knees. He always does that when he drinks iced coffee. Weird guy. Love him. I tap his shoulder softly and he turns around "What's up?" he says. "Hey man, i gotta talk to you for a minute" I glance at the other cast member for a look of approval and he nods.

I drag him away to the hallway. He groans. "What's all this fo-" "Dude, you know that actress we saw in the movie yesterday? Sophie Castle? Yeah, so she's playing my love interest." "Lucky, she seems sweet, did you talk to her yet?" " Yeah, i did. She's a bit dry but i think we'll get along. Taika told me we have to do a sex scene Friday." "Oof. That's awkward. Maybe you should try and hang out with her a bit to release the tension?" "Good idea. I'll talk to her about it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2022 ⏰

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