Part 1: Rainbows surprise

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   "HEY FRIENDS!" Pinkie pie runs up to her Freinds, Rarity and Apple Jack.

"Well, hey there, good ol pal!" Apple Jack says with a strong country accent.

"Hello there, sister!" Rarity smiles.

"Where are the others?" Pinkie asks.

"Rainbow was just here now where did she --" Apple Jack is cut off by Rainbow zooming towards her.


"Oof uh...hehe ...sorry AJ" Rainbow helps her friend up.

"Ah youre good, but ya needs stop doin sonic Rainbooms in the middle of ponyville!" Apple Jack says to Rainbow.

Just then they hear the soft flapping of some familiar wings.

"HEY FLUTTERSHY!" Rainbow waves to her friend, trying to make Apple Jack forget about the scolding.

Apple Jack rolls her eyes.

"hi." Fluttershy smiles and lands next to Rainbow Dash.

"C'mon where is Twilight? She is not gonna want to miss this!" Rainbow gets impatient.

"Whats so important, Rainbow?" Fluttershy asks.

"It's a surprise!" Rainbow sees Twilight galloping over.

"Could you be any slower, Twi c'mon!" Rainbow Jokes.

Twilight stops next to Rarity.

"Whats up Rainbow?" Twilight tries to catch her breath.

"OK GUYS, so ya know about how cool my sonic Rainboom is right? Well I'm about to show you my new trick! It's called the Rainbow Switch!"

"Is it dangerous like your sonic Rainboom?" AJ asks.

"No's perfectly safe. Now here we go-3-2"

"Be careful..." Fluttershy says with concern.


Rainbow Pushes off the ground and flys up to the sky she goes higher, and higher and..."TOO HIGH TOO HIGH!!!!" Rainbow tries to stop but the wind is too strong. She goes so high that she literally touches a Rainbow and...flips it upsidedown.

Rainbow Dash zooms downward.

"Ok, I can still do this. Just a rough start..." Rainbow tells herself.

She loops around two times and shoots Into the high sky and twirls. She then turns upside down and zooms downward. "AHHHHHHHHH"

Rarity: "Oh my! She's gonna crash!"

"Not on my watch-" Fluttershy zooms up as Rainbow falls down. She catches Rainbow and Falls down...down... and


They make a huge crater in the middle of ponyville.

Twilight takes a step closer to the hole and then a rainbow colored light shoots out along with a bunch of pink butterflies.

"Rainbow?! Fluttershy?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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