Sara and Clara part 4 to 5

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Elaborate description of superpowers
Sara can transport wherever she wishes to.
Clara can become invisible.
Kate can see in the future.
Jack can see in the past.
Abigail can fly everywhere.
Isabella can make things fly.
Sabby can spaceshift.
Abby can fly everywhere like Abigail.
In chapter 3 there was a fairy who assisted Abigail to find her sister and the golden pot. Text evidence is that a fairy appeared and helped Abigail to find both the golden pot and her sister Isabella. We never talked about who she was, is she tender or arrogant, and why did she help Abigail.  Here, we will discuss about the fairy. There once there lived two angels named Eros and Hearta with their little girl named Cupid. Cupid was an extremely gorgeous girl. She was a princess of the angel world. When she was five year old she participated in monster high.  When she was fourteen year old when there was no school she had to practice some of her magic. Cupid went and asked her mother to help her practice. The next day the cupid started practice and started training. Cupid had a aunty Her name was Lova. She was very compassionate and graceful. She loved her sister a lot but one day when there was a person who came into lova's room and hypnotised her and made her evil. No longer her name was Lova, it changed to Granola. Ever since Lova turned bad Hearta had been crying everyday. She thought this will happen Something when to look for Lova on the way make friends. Then they fought, Lova won and broke the curse. After a few days Cupid was a pro in magic, so she wished to confront Granola, so she left to fight Granola. Oh I forget to tell you something when Cupid was 5 years old Granola cast a spell on Cupid, the spell was that her first love will fall in love with someone else. On her way there were many obstacles, obstacle one - she was trapped inside a house if the house shakes three times she will stay there forever, Cupid jumped through an open window. She landed on a rock and she saw right next to the rock was a sheet of paper and scissors.  She said to herself why is there a rock, paper, and scissors. Ah! I got it. This is a game, rock- paper-scissors shoot.   If I have a rock, a sheet of paper and scissors, then what do you do in the game? Ah! I am very sure that there will be another player.  I'm sure if I get all of the 3 correct answers, I will pass. When she said those words, there came another partner, her name was Rocky pancake sugar. In the first round, they said rock paper scissors shoot. In the first round Rocky showed paper and Cupid showed scissors. In the second round Pancake showed Rock and Cupid showed paper and in the last round sugar showed scissors and  Cupid showed rock and she won the first obstacle and she moved to the next obstacle. The next obstacle was a potion room so then Pota told the potion to Cupid the potion and she had to use the accurate ingredients for the potions. Pota first told to make a Dragon potion,Goblin potion,Love potion, and Unicorn potion. Cupid succeeded making the potion. Cupid  was happy she succeeded in the first and the second rounds. She was ready to face danger. Before Cupid reached the third round she heard a girl crying, it was Abigail. Cupid used her ability (freeing time) and (past, present, or future) to help Abigail. When she was done helping Abigail she continued her journey.  She went to cross all the obstacles.When she finally reached Lova then Cupid fought, Lova won and broke the curse.  When the curse was lifted Cupid brought Lova to the palace. Her mother was looking at a portrait of her and her sister when Cupid came home her mom came to hug her. Cupid said 'Mom! I have a surprise for you" Mom replied by saying, "What is it dear?" Cupid showed Lova immediately Hearta hugged her. Lova said sorry to her sister for all the terrible things she did.  The next day was Cupid's graduation ceremony. Cupid showed all the things that her mother taught her and she passed with flying colors.
The potion ingredients-
1- Dragon potion- Chocolate cake, strawberry cake, vanilla pie, and butterscotch ice cream.
2-Goblin potion - a Horse's tail , Two lungs of human, a man's moustache, a woman's shoe, a strand of boy's hair, a girl's heart, a statue, and a stinky frog, a pig's burp.
3- Love potion- chocolate, chocolate pie, chocolate cake, white chocolate, chocolate ice-cream, chocolate  bar, and chocolate tart. 
4- Unicorn potion- (Cotton candy, Cotton candy, Cotton candy, Cotton candy, Cotton candy,) Cotton candy ice-cream, (Cotton candy, Cotton candy), Rainbow cake, a chocolate horn, (Cotton candy, Cotton candy, and Cotton candy.)

The Reunion of Sara and Clara.
Sara and Clara had finished swapping their lives. When they were still swapping their lives They noticed some of the things that reminded them of the childhood. They recalled who they are its like their memories returned.They were SARA AND CLARA! The sisters everyone was talking about. Their mother was a princess, and  their father was a poor boy. Their mom and dad were generous people. Kate and Jack would play after school everyday. Their mom was blessed  with  two babies. They were christened Clara and Sara. In the palace there started a war on the day they were born. The king and queen defended their kingdom with all their strength. They had to be martyred  to save their kingdom and much more. Now they knew they were sisters. When Clara and Sara switched back it was time for Clara's celebration and Clara asked the servants if the ceremony can have Sara be princess. She explained to her servants that she was her sister and that how they were born together and how they were twins. The servants said, "Sure! She is the princess of the Kingdom, we have to recrown her." Then both Sara and Clara were crowned! They all had a happy life after that.
The end!

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