Drunk love

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You Staggered around the dimly lit street your arm stretched over Ymir's shoulder and the both of you were trying to hold each other up. You were singing, quite loudly, and Ymir tried her best to follow along with the lyrics you were badly messing up and slurring. Ymir tripped and staggered forward almost falling and you stuttered your singing to a stop before catching her by her arms. 

"Where, where'd ya learn that, song?" Ymir asked as you helped her up to her feet, "I dunno," You said chuckling and looking around. 

"D'ya know where we're at?" You asked leaning on Ymir as she looked around squinting her eyes, "Uhh, Nope," She said popping the 'P' and shrugging. 

Ymir walked away shoving you off a bit and you staggered gaining your balance again before following Ymir like a duckling. "Ya know the way back?" Ymir asked turning and you almost ran into her but you caught yourself. "Not. . really," You chuckled, "I. . I'm too drunk," And Ymir chuckled as well, "So, so am I," You both started to chuckle. 

"we're sooo Drink, Hahaha," You said leaning back a bit as you laughed, "hey, hey," Ymir tried to get your attention and when your eyes returned to her she grabbed your shoulder, "I, I think we've had one too many," Ymir said and the both of you started to snicker really loudly. 

"oh god, we're so drunk," You laughed before tripping and falling on your ass, "hahaha only a true drunkard would fall on their ass like that, Ahahaha," Ymir commented before also tripping and falling onto you, "Yeah a true drunkard," you retorted and Ymir pushed herself off you. 

"Help me up Ymiryyyy," You slurred holding out your hands and Ymir scoffed but helped you up, "Ok, I really, th-think we need to find the way back," Ymir pointed out as she looked around and you did the same, but everything looked funny and a bit wonky.  

"Ymir, Y/N," A voice called out and both of you turned to see Christa running up to the two of you, "Christa!" Ymir called and she shoved you and you staggered, "Jackass," You yelled at her but she ignored you. Ymir ran up to Christa and suddenly grabbed her hands. 

"Ohhh, my sweet little Christa," Ymir said, "Come to find my Drunk ass in the street, eh?" She asked and Christa gave a smile as you walked up next to Ymir, "Hiii Christa," you slurred looking at the blond and she looked so pretty. "Ya know how to get back to the cabins. This idiot got us lost," You said pointing to Ymir, "No I didn't, you lead the way," Ymir Hissed, "I'm pretty sure you, were the one leading the way Ymir," you said smiling smugly. 

You and Ymir Bickered on who was leading the way and whose fault it was and Christa called out behind her, "Guys I found them," Reiner and Bertholdt who decided to help Christa look for you, and Ymir turned down the street and walked over to her. 

"Also, what, what's with the name, like, who, names their kid Ymir, It's dumb," You joked, "Your name Isn't a normal name either," Ymir scoffed, "Hey, It's relatively normal," You argued, "Alright, let's get you two back it's late," Christa said interrupting, "Oh, Hii Christa." You greeted again, forgetting that she was even there. 

"how'd you guys even get this drunk?" Christa questioned and you pointed to Ymir, "her fault," and Ymir smacked your hand away, "You also got drunk dumbass," Ymir said, "yeah well you dragged me along," you said pointing at her and Ymir smacked your hand away again, "Stop pointing at me," Ymir angrily said, "What like this?" You asked pointing at her and she smacked your hand away again, "Yes, stop it," And you did it again, but this time Ymir tried to punch you. 

"Come'er," She said and you screamed and ran off avoiding Ymir as best as you could, and Ymir tried to catch you. Ymir charged forward and you moved quickly dodging her. "I'm gonna kick the shit outta you," Ymir threatened as she Chased you and you got behind Christa.

Drunk love (Read x Reiner and Bertholdt) ONESHOTWhere stories live. Discover now