The Special Bound with A Sea Otter (Canon Depths)

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The Special Bond With a Sea Otter

(A canon Depths story)

Author's notes: So being summer that means a time for certain places and things. And it's been far too long since I've last wrote anything about my otter waifu Kalea. I've bene neglectful I feel and it's high time I resume writing some things on her. She's not the only one too, it's been too long since I wrote anything with Leilani, Reno, Remy. And Malana as well. For this one I only have time to focus on me and my otter love. But next time I will do more for sure. And since so much time has passed my writing skills have improved somewhat. So to start I'll focus on my beloved Kalea and me. As of now I've stopped reading Depths so I have no idea where the story is. Honestly though it's gotten messy in terms of pacing and things making any sense. I feel it's all over the place and has no real structure. However, make no mistake no matter what has come out of it, other art, stories, and whatever, Kalea has only been with me, the real one. We are together and that's never going to change. And Leilani, the real one, is with Reno only, and Malana, the real one, is with Remy only. No matter what time period or thing, we six couples are truly in love with our significant other and not breaking up or swapping/sharing at all. And to start showing this I'll focus on me and my beloved Kalea. Also I will be using the word mustelidae since Kalea being an otter makes her a part of that family of animals when it comes to classification. Also while our past is discussed, in order to get the full story, you will need to find that elsewhere on other art sites where I am that explains that.


Way out in the south part of the Pacific ocean was the beautiful island of Bora Bora. It really was like a glittering gem and a small slice of heaven rolled up into a neat package. And at this place there lived a native tribe of sea otters. Despite being isolated from the rest of the world, they were not completely cut off. They were aware of what else plagued the planet but luckily they weren't affect as badly as some despite feeling the effects in some form. From less visitors arriving here to certain supplies being harder to obtain, not even these native sea otters could fully escape what troubled the world. But even with all of these terrible things, not all was bad. Because at the end of the day, the otters still had family and their island community. And for one female, she also had the great love of her life. He was the only one she could be with like it was for him. What made the sea otter love this male even more was he had left everything known to him behind in order to permanently live with her forever. It was due to true love and a bond that could never be broken. And the two would never dream of sharing, swapping, cheating, or breaking up with the other. They had all they need with their one and only.

Right now it found this loving couple asleep in their home. This wasn't say one of the huts the natives used, but rather an actual house on the beach. It wasn't big though, it only had one floor, but had everything needed to live in there. From air conditioning, the right amount of bathrooms, floor space, and even a deck area to look out at the ocean. This single building had been part of a plan to build a small group of dwellings for guests to stay at. But only one had been fully completed before the project had been shut down. Before the house could be demolished, the male had gotten it pretty cheap as there was nothing inside. Not ridiculously cheap, but a lot less than what it would have cost to rent it had the group of dwellings been realized. And best of all this was near where the sea otter island natives lived. So not only would his love not be to far from her people, the two could visit whenever they wanted while still having a feeling of being independent and living on their own. The couple had filled this house with things to properly live in and own it.

In their bedroom the lovebirds were still asleep on their bed. They were cozied up in a comfy and loving heap. The bedsheets were messy and not neatly pulled up, covering only half of their bodies. Neither wore anything and were nude due to the extremely hot, but very loving and passionate love making last night. The mustelidae had a huge and happy smile on her face, her arms, legs, and thick rudder otter tail wrapped around her beloved's body. He had, like with some others, called that being like an otterpus, holding with the intent of never letting go like an octopus. The name had stuck and was not just a little pet nickname for the sea otter, but the others who had true love as well. His limbs were holding her close to his body as they continued to sleep, the sea otter's head on his white furred and muscled chest. Their slow and deep steady breathing was in synch. That is until the smaller female's noise began to twitch. It might have been her body slowly waking up or perhaps the stray beams of sunlight hitting her body through the cracks in the blinds. Whatever the cause, the sea otter was the first to stir before her purple colored eyes slowly opened. They blinked several times to clear the sleep way. The sea otter slowly untangled her limbs and tail from his body before rising up with a good stretch and a big, but very cute and adorable yawn. Or as her love called it, otterly adorable. Her gaze turned to the male's still sleep form, his limbs having fallen to the side due to her movements. The mustelidae smiled with warmth and love at the bigger male before deciding to rise from their bed.

The Special Bound with a Sea Otter (A Canon Depths Story)Where stories live. Discover now