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As i'm walking towards the big fire lighting up everyone's faces i look around. I see kids from school in groups drinking and some people i don't even notice. I looked around more to see if i could spot his face; thank god i didn't.
After walking around for a minute i found Lily and Grace standing near Jax's truck.
"Omg, hey!!!" Lily said while giving me a hug.
"Hey, I didn't expect to see you two here" I said.
"Well we were chilling with Will and then he suggested we come here because Blaze is here." Lily responded.
"Why the fuck does it matter if Blaze is here? I thought Will didn't do parties." I said with a confused face.
"Thank you, that's what I said. Actually i'm about to go find him so we can leave." Grace said walking away.
I turned my head in the direction she was walking. Once she got to Will she said a few words, then grabbed his arm and started dragging him towards us. Lily and I started laughing.
"Come on Lily we're leaving." Grace said grabbing her hand and walking off.
"Bye, love y'all too" I yelled and laughed.
After they were out of my eyesight i walked towards the fire. The first person that caught my eye was Maxton. He was standing in a circle right next to Amber.
I swear i fucking hate that bitch. I said in my head. That girl has done me wrong in so many ways and the worst one was be all over Maxton the day we broke up right in front of me.
Out of nowhere i felt someone yank my arm causing me to turn around. When i looked up i saw his face; a face i never wanted to see again. Why? Just why did he have to be here? I hate my life.
"Hey babe." he said real low in my ear.
"Get off of me right now." I said trying to pry him off of my body. I hated my life so much in this moment.
"Stop; you're making a scene." He said harshly while tightening his grip on my arms.
"Tristyn let me go." I somehow got out trying to hold back tears.
"I suggest you stop before i tell everyone what a slut you are." He grunted and pulled me closer to him.
I didn't know what to do. I couldn't get him off of me and i couldn't get any words out of my mouth. I wish i were dead right now. Can he just throw me in the fire and end my life right now?
Not too long after he pulled me in closer hurting me i heard a voice yell out. I knew that voice from anywhere; it was Jax.
"what the fuck are you doing Tristyn?!?!" Jax yelled. He was not happy at all.
"Calm down man, we're just messing around. Right Nicole?" Tristyn said finally loosening his grip a little. He looks down at me expecting me to shake my head yes.
Now i was stuck in a horrible situation. People are starting to huddle around and stare at us. I am starring into Jax's eyes with my eyes begging for help. Out of the corner of my eye i see Maxton looking over at me with anger written all over his face. I don't know who to look at Jax or Maxton.
I finally meet eyes with Jax again. He's waiting for an answer. I don't know what to do. if i shake my head yes everyone might leave and it'll happen again. If i say no there's no telling what Tristyn will do to me.
I finally shook my head no. Tristyn instantly tightened his grip on me. I squealed in pain then looked at Jax. The anger in his face said it all.
"Tristyn I swear to god if you don't let her go right now i will throw your ass in that fire." Jax said while stepping closer to us.
"Bro chill, she's fine. I'm not going to hurt her"
"I said let go of her or your ass is dead. Now do it."
I didn't know what to think. Standing here with nowhere to go and they're about to fight. Well more like Jax is going to kill Tristyn but i didn't want to be right here when it happened.
Tristyn is still holding onto me with all his might. Next thing you know i see Jax raise his arm and punch Tristyn in the face. His grip finally let go of me and went to Jax instead.
I ran to the place i felt safest which was to Maxton. Once I got to him he threw his arms around me asking if I was okay. I didn't even say anything I just turned around facing the two boys fighting still in Maxtons arms.
Jax was on top of Tristyn punching the living shit out of his face. I couldn't watch him do it anymore. I broke out of Maxtons arms and ran towards Jax. As he reeled back for another punch i grabbed his arm. His head swung to for face me so quickly.
"Jax, stop it's over. Please." I said looking in his eyes. He gave me a look; a look i couldn't describe but I felt everything he was feeling and more in that moment.
He stood up in front of me and just looked into my eyes. I was stuck in that moment, a moment where i didn't know if i should hug him or not. A moment that everyone was watching. Jax's anger simmered down and now all i could read on his face was worry. But I didn't want him to worry because I am okay because of him.
I finally broke the silence between us and said "Come on, let's get out of here."
He nodded his head and we walked towards his truck. As we approach his truck Maxton and Amber walk up behind us.
"Where are y'all going?" Maxton asked.
"I was gonna stay with Jax tonight because i can't go home. Why?" I asked him wondering why he cared.
"You don't need to go with him Nicole. Just come with us." Maxton said glancing at Jax.
"What's so wrong with her staying with me?" Jax questioned him. I could hear him getting mad at the fact that Maxton don't trust him. Jax started inching closer to Maxton which scared me.
I quickly stepped in between then and pushed myself against Jax trying to push him away. I grabbed his face and tilted it towards me and said "I'm going with you. Don't do this right now it's not worth your time."
He loosened up a bit and backed off. I turned around to face Maxton. "I'm gonna ride with Jax can you please follow in my car to drop it off and get Amber to follow you? Please Maxton, I never ask you to do anything for me but in this situation i need you to understand and just do it."
He just looked at me for a minute. No words just a straight face starring at me. I couldn't read him like i use too when we were together. It's like he lost his will to feel anything anymore. He finally said fine and held out his hand. I placed my keys in his hand and he took off.

Thank you for reading the first chapter. I'm new to this and don't write much so please let me know what your thoughts are about it. Below will be a few pictures of what i think these charters would look like.


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2. JAX


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