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Hi! My name is Dieuwke.
I live in Belgium and I'm 17 years old.
I love music and books a lot. Those two just go really good together in my opinion. Reading while listening to the right music just makes everything so real. I don't only listen to music, I also write songs, sing, play the guitar and the recorder a little bit and I really love dancing. I also write and read books. I have a really strong imagination, which is probably why I love writing so much. I write songs, stories, poems, little texts I come up with, I basically write whatever comes to mind. My imagination does have a downside: I often get inspired when I can't write ideas down, which is really annoying!
Some words to describe my personality are: chaotic, kind, caring, selfless, emotional, imaginative, creative and modest. I'm also very active, impulsive, achieving is really important to me as is persistence. My friends are also really important to me, they are great fun and very supportive.

For the rest I'm kind of boring, so this is everything that I could think of that is important enough to tell you. I hope you like any book that I wrote and if not, feel free to give me some feedback, so I can get better.

Have a great day!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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