Luden break up

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Lucas and Jayden just got done calling and Lucas went to go take a shower when he was done he went to bed. It's the morning and Lucas goes to school like usual. He usually eats lunch with mex and go to the same class as mex and he does not see him. He not really worried about it he still goes to his classes without mex. school is over and Lucas goes home. He gets home and texts Jayden about his day and about mex jayden is fine until he heard about mex "why do u care about mex..?" Jayden says on text "we'll because he's my boyfri- I mean best friend and I just did not see him there today that's all" Lucas replys  Jayden has had enough "block mex on everything and don't talk to him at school" Jayden text "wait what no I don't want too" Lucas replys Jayden spam calls Lucas for minutes and Lucas ignores them. the day past and Lucas goes to school mex is still not there. a few hours past Lucas goes home to text mex he calls and text and he's not answering so he stoped and few hours past and he try's to call mex again this time mex picked up! "Oh my god mex u there" Lucas says "yea why..?" Mex replys "i been do worried why have u not been coming to school" Lucas said mex hanged up Jayden starts to spam call Lucas Lucas finally answers Jayden says on the phone "bro when I say to block somone BLOCK THEM DONT hang up the phone im controlled over you not mex not Ben not your other friends only me and u lisen-" *Lucas hangs up* and cries Jayden calls again "BRO DLNT HANG UP OR I WILL SHOW UR FACE TO ALL THE FANS AND HATER SO THEY COULD SEE WHO U REALLY ARE U UGLY ASS BITCH KYS" "I-I-I im sorry don't show my face jayden pls" lucas says mex calls lucas but lucas CANT Anwser so he just panicked And he added mex "bro u added mex your so pathetic kys already no one needs you I can just show ur face on Instagram and tiktok and that will mess up everything" Jayden says on call "You know I can show the fans this whole conversation i recorded the whole thing jayden I know what u do and i came prepared.." you know max Im done with you
*leaves call* Lucas feels proud of mex "mex u stranded up for yourself for the first time!" "I'm so proud of you" Lucas says it's been a few months and no sign on Jayden Lucas blocked Jayden and no longer goes to his house cecila Ben mex and lucas hang out all the time it's been a year now and lucas cecila ben and mex desided to go to the mall they call eachother to meet at the mall they all say "YES!!" They all arrive at the mall and they shop and while they were getting ice cream mex saw someone that looks like Jayden staring at us he does not want to bother anybody so he stays silent (keep in mind they went to bens house in itily" the whole group walks across the street going to Lucas car and some car came fast trying to hit the lucas and mex ben and cecila everyone screams they fell on the puddles on the ground cause it just had ran Jayden almost hit the whole group the person in the car gets out ITS JAYFEN mex was right after all "Jayden..?" Ben says "WTF JAYDEN I CANT BEILEVE YOU I HATE YOU GET OUT NY LIFE" the whole group runs to lucas car and they planed a TikTok back to Netherlands ben also does
Because it's not safe the next day when they go on the plane everything seemed great they all got houses ben lived with cecilia for now and mex and lucad at separate houses it's been a few years and their older got new houses and everything seemed great and they always met once in the while

(Thats the end people)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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