Let Me In

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Chapter 1

I get off the ride laughing.

"That was pretty fun!" I say in excitement.

Me and June keep walking by the rides. Lines reaching miles it seems like. I look around for the next ride and turn my head around to all the screaming voices coming from nearby rides. The park is full with all sorts of people. From families and their small children, to young and old couples. Its an area that has always fascinated me as there is always so much to do. I never go out much since I am not much of a people person. And as much as I have tried denying it, I am awkward and clumsy. As June is looking around for the next thrill, the hairs on the back of my neck tingle. I feel uncomfortable. I feel like there's a million pair of eyes set on me and me only. As I look around, I seem to notice someone looking at me. I begin to get more uncomfortable. But then I realize that were in public, people do that. And I start to laugh at the fact that I myself, am a people watcher. I quickly look away and shake the thought out of my mind and focus on June. The day has been spent hanging out with my best friend at the amusement park. Me and June have known each other for so long. She has always been my best friend. And it makes me a little sad to know that we both have been so busy, that there isn't much time for one another anymore. We are only getting older and busier with life.

"Wasn't so bad was it Sapphire?" she asks laughing.

I roll my eyes and laugh with her.

"No, I guess it wasn't but I'm still not a fan of the rollercoasters " I answer back in a chuckle.

"Its okay, as long as you know you tried it and can say you did," she says in a motherly voice.

"Wow the lines are really long. Maybe we should head home? We have been here all morning and I think I need a nap," she says, starting to search for the exit sign.

I nod along and begin to follow her towards the exit. I clutch onto my purse as we pass the ticket booth. We take our time to say goodbye and promise each other that we would defiantly plan another time to hang out soon. As I walk out to the parking lot, I see the same guy I had seen earlier, staring at me. The uncomfortable feeling began to come back. I held onto my bag even tighter. I continued to walk and search for my car. He's probably with his girlfriend or something. This is a public place. I have nothing to worry about. But in the back of my mind, I swear I've seen him before, yet I can't put my finger on it. The stubble and the tattoos and that hair, I know from somewhere. I glance back at the gentlemen and keep walking. As I pull up to my car, I grab my keys from my bag and unlock my car. I need to stop staring at strangers. It might give them a bad sign and that's the last thing I want.

"Bye June! Ill talk to you later!" I yell as I make my way over to my old, yet functional car. I really need to get a new one soon. By soon I mean before I leave for college. She waves goodbye and flashes a smile before she gets in her car as well as I do. I set my bag on the passengers seat and stick the keys in. The car comes to life with a rumble.

My body tenses up as I see the same young man coming towards my car. He's walking at a semi quick pace. Swaying side to side as he gets closer. Am I overreacting? He could just be going to his own car? I buckle up and ignore the same stranger again. As I glance back up to begin to back up, he's in front of my window. I jump up a little from the surprise act.

"Um can I help you?" I ask as I roll down the window just enough so he can hear me clearly, but not enough to touch me. He doesn't answer my question but instead gives me a smile. I start the car in hopes that he will move. But to my surprise he doesn't budge. I start to back out but he does nothing. During this, his eyes are locked in with mine the whole time. He's checking out what I'm doing, every single time I move. His eyes are on me. I decide to tell him to back away. I open the window all the way. By this point I am a little irritated.

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