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"Nightie-Niiiiight, Hobah-Hyung!" Jungkook yelled almost at the top of his lungs and waved like a little child at Hoseok who was still talking to some stragglers of his party. Hoseok excused himself and came over to us while I tried to keep Jungkook from laying down on the stage ... again.

"So you two are off?" Hoseok inquired as he came over.

"Yeah, someone needs to get his beauty sleep," I said and smiled tiredly. Jungkook hopped from one leg to the other in a caricature of his usually very precise dance moves and made a cute duck face.

"Hyung, Guggie is going bu-bu now," Jungkook said and Hoseok and I stared at him. My muscle bunny of a boyfriend was obviously three sheets to the wind and I hoped I got him home in one piece. And me, too.

"Yeah, Guggie, you cutie, you get home safe with your Hyung," Hoseok said and rubbed his cheeks playfully. Jungkook giggled and I just shook my head. Jungkook's giggle was adorable when he was sober, but drunk giggles? They slayed you and the only thing you could do was submit to them.

"My Taehyungie-hyung," Jungkook slurred and cuddled into my side.

"Yep, right here, and we will be going home," I said and tried to move all of his weight and height forward. But he did not move. The DJ seemed to have put another song on and it had to be Jungkook's collab with Charlie Puth.

I sighed and closed my eyes for a moment as my boyfriend started to dance and sing to his song. And let's face it, that song is a bop and you can't get rid of it once it has wormed its way into your brain. Still, I did not like it. It did not show the whole range of what Jungkook was capable of, but he had been adamant to do the collaboration and who was I to not support him. Still ...

"... left and right ... " Jungkook started on the chorus again while the DJ had stopped the song and started taking away his equipment. "Taehyungie-hyung!" Jungkook whined. "Tell him to play it again!"

"How about we play it at home?" I countered and watched as Jungkook's face lit up. Gosh, he was so adorable, even when he was annoying. I grabbed his arm again and slung it over my shoulder and slowly while he waved happily at Hoseok and some other party guests we made our way to the corridor and down into the parking lot. Good thing I had asked for the company's own daeri unjeon, the substitute driver service. While I had switched to soft drinks during the cause of the night, I did not feel comfortable handling a car and Jungkook at the same time.

Luckily, our driver was one of the older ones. Since our company had restructured we had an influx of new staff and some of them had to be reminded that they had signed an NDA by starting to work here. Mr. Lee however, had known me and Jungkook since our debut days and when he saw us, he climbed out of the car and opened the side door wide. He helped me get Jungkook inside.

"So Hoseok-ssi had a good party?" Mr Lee inquired and I nodded.

"The very best!" I replied tiredly.

"I will make sure to listen to his songs then," Mr Lee commented and smiled. "Shall I get you home or do you want to go partying?"

"Home, please, Mr Lee. I think we had party enough for tonight."

"Party, party, yeah," Jungkook chanted while I tried to close his seat belt around him. The older man chuckled and after he had made sure I was also safely seated in the back of the company car, he went around the hood and climbed in. Soon we were on the streets of Seoul and lo-fi jazz could be heard from the speakers.

Beside me, Jungkook sighed. And after a while, he sighed again, louder this time. By the third time, I knew something was up.

"What is it, Gukkie?" I inquired and Jungkook's head swivelled drunkenly towards me.

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