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It was cold that night. She shivered against the wind that attacked her skin. She had been woken up by the incessant beeping of her phone. There were 23 new messages from Sarah. She was reluctant to open them because earlier that night she got into a fight with her regarding her degrading behaviour towards her and Tasha. But when she finally did read the messages, what she read chilled her to the bone.


Observing Tasha the next few days at school only served to confirm Sarah's words. She finally noticed the way she always ignored her, and the way she would change the topic when she joined in.

And then there were the stares. The stares of her classmates when they thought she wasn't looking, the occasional stare of the teachers who seemed to be observing her. She didn't know how anyone would believe what Tasha had said in front of the whole class on the one day she was absent from school. She didn't know how they believed that she had touched Tasha inappropriately.

At first she didn't want to believe Sarah. But after everything that had happened she couldn't help but feel betrayed. She had always trusted them, and had always helped them any time they asked without asking for anything in return. And they both had betrayed her. Her heart hurt. Her eyes hurt. And she couldn't breathe as she sobbed in the bathroom away from her parents' eyes.


It was cold again. She shivered in her black dress. It was bound to rain soon. Around her, her new 'friends' were laughing. She supposed they weren't really friends. She already lost all her friends in the course of two days and this group of rebel outcasts was the only ones not disgusted by her. She only wanted to feel accepted again, and right now she felt like she was drowning.

They were supposed to leave for a party. There were eight of them and not enough seats in the car. Five of them got into their seats and the rest was to sit on other's laps. She was about to get in when Riana called out from the driver's seat. She was the de facto leader of this rag tag group and everyone listened to her.

"Oh, honey, seems like there isn't enough space."

"But... I said I'll come..." She could feel her eyes itching already.

"Well, sorry honey. Maybe next time. Bye!"

She could only stare as they drove, leaving her on the pavement. She felt like she should've expected this. She was new to the group, and she never really completely fit in, or felt comfortable with them.

She fished out her phone to call her father. He picked up on the fourth ring.


Hearing his voice alone helped calm her nerves. "Hey dad. Are you busy?"

"I'm at a meeting right now. I have to pick you up at 10 right, darling?"

She scuffed her shoes against the cement. "No need dad. I'm not going."

"How are you going to come home sweetie?" He sounded concerned.

"It's okay dad. I have a ride." She felt bad lying to him, but he didn't want to bother him for something so small.

"Are you sure? I can come and drop you home."

"I'm sure dad. You get back to your meeting. It's okay."

"If you say so... Be careful when you go home."

"I will dad. Bye!" The call ended and she sighed. She ran a hand through her hair.

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