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Her apartment always felt lonely while he was away on missions and each time he was gone, their time apart felt longer than the last. This time he'd been gone a month and as Kallie sat crisscross on her couch, anxiously nibbling at the skin on her thumb, she waited for him pretending to read the book in her opposite hand. Her focus shifted every time she heard a noise in the apartment hallway and she's pretty sure she's read the same paragraph four times.

She jumped at the sound of keys jangling as her neighbor opened his apartment door and it was the last straw.

"Fuck I hate this" she groaned, as she slammed her book shut.

Throwing the book to the table, Kallie tugged her soft blonde hair into a braid, methodically twisting her fingers to think about anything other than him when she heard a creak from the floorboard behind her. "Hello?" She called into the dim lighting of her apartment.

At first, she thought it was just her mind playing tricks on her, and then she heard the unmistakable sound of boots on hardwood, followed by a low, gravelly voice.

"Lost my keys; had to bust the lock," he growled.

Kallie turned immediately, met with the sight of Steve, hair longer than it had been when she saw him last, and a beard, good god.

"Holy shit," she whispered without meaning to.

A small chuckle escaped his lips. Leaning over the couch he looked at the book she had been reading.

"What do we have here?" He smiled, slowly picking up the book. Steve flipped over the worn out book in his hand and let out a soft chuckle. "Why do you always read these when I'm not here?"

Kallie noticed the smile didn't quite meet his eyes as she pulled the book out of his hands.

"Steve...are you okay?" She asked, eyes scanning his tired features.

"Yeah, I'll live. Mission was a little rough." He slid his big hand into his hair. A habit she noticed him doing when something was bothering him.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Kallie asked. She began to worry about him and hoped something hadn't gone wrong with the mission. Or worse, that he'd been injured.

Steve sighed, "I'd rather not, sweetheart. But uh... can you..."

Kallie moved towards him tentatively, knowing what he wanted but waiting patiently for him to finish his sentence.

She grazed her fingers along the torn patches of his suit, her eyes tracing his body, inspecting him for injuries that he was trying to macho his way through. Kallie could feel his heart racing under her touch and as her eyes met his, she smiled softly up at him. "Ask me, Steve."

Steve's tongue darted out over his bottom lip as he watched her move, his hands dragging slowly up her sides and resting comfortably on her waist.

"Have you been a good girl while I was away?" He whispered, locking his eyes with hers.

Kallie frowned and tucked her fingers into the collar of his suit as her other hand inspected his face. "Will you let me play nurse, just for a moment?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowed.

He sighed and bit his lip, looking exhausted and beaten to hell as she ran her fingers over the bruises on his face.

"Fine, but only for a moment, sweetheart. I've got plans for you."

"Thank you," she whispered, carding her fingers through his hair, smoothing out a tangle gently.

Kallie leaned up, pressing her lips to his jaw, lightly kissing a healing cut.

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