You can sit with us

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"y/n?" your now younger brother asks
"whats up?" you reply.
"do you maybe wanna sit with me at lunch only if you want though and if my friends say its ok."
"aw sure thanks" you smile at him.
you walked in to school with him after saying good bye to Erica. Everyone was watching you, feeling uncomfortable you looked at the floor. lucas walked up to some guys saying he was showing you where the main office was they nodded and looked at you. They were in shock "lucas you got that?" a boy pointed at you. You threw up in your mouth. "no! Thats my sister!"lucas explained. One boy who had blonde hair and blue eyes couldnt stop looking at you. He had a jacket on that had jason written on it. "lucas lets go i dont want to be late on my first day.." you smile awkwardly
"ok bye guys" he said and you started walking.

A kind lady gave you your schedule and lucas showed you where you first class was. Art 105.
You walk in and ask where you should sit. Your techer looks you up and down for a bit too long to be honest but you thought nothing of it "um, sit next to jason. Jason raise your hand!" mr. Lorenzo said. The boy from earlier put his hand up and you walked to sit next to him. You felt your teacher stare at your body as you walked. Gross. You sit down and kindly smile at Jason. He ignores you. You thought nothing of it he doesnt have to talk to you. You can see him stare at you from the corner of your eye. "you need something?" you whispered to him.
"No sorry.." he said a bit embarrassed
your teacher started talking about the project ypu would be starting this lesson. You had to draw the person sitting next to you. "Easy" you thought. Draw people and faces was very easy for you most art was. You began fo sketch Jasons face. "How the hell did you draw that?!" he whisper yelled.
"pretty easily, plus this is only the sketch and its shit" you laughed.
"you think thats shit look at mine of you" he showed you what he was working on. It wasnt that good but everyone starts somewhere i guess. "its not that bad but maybe if you shaded that part of the drawing, made that more obvious and pressed lighter with the pencil it will look better" you smiled.
"ok thank you".
You studied his face making sure you got every detail you could in the little time you had.
The bell rang and you headed to your next lesson. Music 400. Music was very boring. The rest of your lessons where a blur. It was finally lunch.

"Lucas" you smiled
"y/n, lets go to lunch my friends said you cpuld sit with us!" he grabbed your arm leading ypu in to the lunch hall. It was loud, crowded and messy. Lucas walked you to a table where the people from earlier where. Jason was sitting next to a very pretty girl his arm around her waist. probally his girlfriend. Her name was chrissy. you saw he keep on looking at a guy on a different table with long curly brown hair and black eyes. He wore a shirt that read "hellfire club" with a devil looking thing on it. You could tell that she liked the guy she was looking at and not Jason. Poor guy. Another boy at the table you were sitting at was staring at you. "Have you got a staring problem?!" you asked him. His name was patrick. He didnt answer "you gonna answer me or keep being a creep?" you started getting annoyed. Lucas glared at him "patrick atop your making her uncomfortable!" lucas raised his voice so the table could here him.
"sorry dude didnt realise you were dating her." patrick said he wasnt there earlier when lucas told them i was his sister.
"First of all hes my brother. Second of all why did you only stop when he strated talking. I shouldnt need a stupid boyfriend for you to stop being a creep." you glared at him. He was speechless. Jason looled at you then at patrick. He had an apologetic look when he loomed at you and gave patrick a death glare. You noted alot of people staring at you after your out burst. "sorry didnt mean to make a scene." you mumbled "but do something like that again your dead, ok?". He nodded his head and didnt look at you for the rest of lunch.
"so what do you have next?" lucas asked
"um i have english 503 then maths 306" you replied. Jason looked over to you "i have the same classes" he smiled his girlfriend still staring at that boy. Jason removed his arm from her. "I could walk with you?" he asked, you nodded. The bell rang and you stood up and walked with jason. You sat next to him in both lessons and you laughed the whole time. Jason acts mean but when you get to know him hes really sweet.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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