Chapter 1

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"THROW HER IN THERE NOW!" said the lady in which was all in black. "PLEASE, IM BEGGING YOU" I screamed as I was looking in the dark soultaking hole. After that I felt a cold hand on my back pushing me to the pit. I have never felt that feeling which you get when you're being inches away from death. I screamed so loud that I woke up. Breathing heavily, I stood up and went to the bathroom. "Just another nightmare" I thought. The clock was showing 00:16. The same time when i wake up to every nightmare. As always, I after go to the kitchen to make something to eat. These nightmares feel so real to me. I started having them at the age of 14. I could not even talk about them to my parents. When i told them to my parents,my mother, she, told me that Im making things up. I would tell that to my kid, but in a tone she said, sheesh. Everytime I told her I wasnt lying, she thought I was a phycho. She made me go to therapy and having to meet up with this therapist called Gill. Because of that my parents broke up. My mother, she was mad and told me she wishes I was never born because I ruined her life. But why would I care about how she felt. She made me ruin her life. She told me terrible things. I wish she was... "Hey, Jessie" said my father who looked at me making toast with jam,again. He was wearing the Batman pjs I bought for him for Christmas.On the expresion on his face, I knew he wasn't suprised. "Another nightmare?" . He knew about the nightmares. He was an architect. His job was very difficult. Building roads and stuff like that. Even tho he worked really hard, he always helped me aswell."What was the nightmare about now?". I wanted to tell him, but I couldnt get the words out of my mouth. I looked down at my brown bear slippers and not making eye contact. I could hear him sigh. "Nevermind, come here" he said before giving me a hug. We hugged eachother for a few seconds, and then I said "I should go to bed". "Yeah you should. Its your birthday toomorow". Yup,hooray im turning 16 toomorow. Im not ever suprised. Bithdays are now getting more boring the older you get. I went upstairs, crawled into bed and thought about life. And just in a minute i fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2022 ⏰

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