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-No, you don't get it. I ran away from her, I always do when I get mad.

She didn't understand me, i told her I love her and she just said "I love you too, friends love each other" and then I ran away. I pulled up my phone and texted her.

"Bye!" (Text from: Maddie)

She responded immediately like always.

"What, are you moving? Dying? Oh no, are you ok? Why are you saying bye? Does it have to do with earlier? Did I make you mad? I'm so sorry"

I blocked her because I couldn't stand her texting me, I just got rejected by her and it just reminded me of it.

I felt empty and lonely, my only friend and crush ever just rejected me.

I didn't want to get reminded of it so I just when to sleep.


I woke up to the alarm clock beeping, 08:00. Oh no, I clicked the snooze button in my sleep and now I was late for school.

I rushed to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, put on a pair of light blue sweatpants and a t-shirt with a print of a pink flower.

I rushed down stairs and grabbed a banana.
I put on my yellow con-something shoe brand and ran all the way to school.

I went in to the class room and saw Dain, she was looking out the window, but all of a sudden she turned and faced me.

She gave me a ?fake smile? and looked right back at the window.


The Bell rang and dismissed us for the day, I left school and walked home peacefully.

I burst open the door home and ran up the stairs to my room.

I opened my phone and went in to YouTube, I searched how to get over a break up, even tho I have never been in a relationship.

I watched the full video, one of the tips was meditation which I have never tried before.

I meditated for half an hour and surprisingly it helped. I got my mind of of Dain and got motivation to work on my homework and then I remembered that I have a history assignment that I have to do with Dain.

All my motivation was sucked out of me, how was I supposed to do that? WITH HER? Nooo thank you.

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