Chapter 7

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"Okay, everyone. Can I get your attention for a moment please?" Scylla starts while standing in the middle of the detective department hall. "Excuse me? Everyone?" The brunette looks around the crowded room as the chatter stays still.

Raelle locks eyes with the brunette and gives her a small smile. Ramshorn grabs her gun from the pocket and shoots up into the ceiling to get everyone's attention. Suddenly, people just calm down looking into the direction of taken shot.

"Damn, she's so crazy... and hot." Vira leans against her desk talking to Raelle who's standing next to her. "Well, she used to be so good in bed, wild as animal until she broke a month ago. You change after almost dying."

"Can I talk to you for a second?" The blonde says clenching jaw trying to hide her boiling blood. Raelle walks away to talk with Vira. Meanwhile, Scylla looks back towards Collar seeing how she walks away with her ex. A small frown appears on her face and her heart drops in her chest.

Scylla gulps swallowing tears that would have formed in the eyes if she wasn't standing in front of her co-workers. "Thank you for finally giving me some attention." She says a bit sarcastically.

"We're regrouping and searching every place around Salem. We can't miss a spot if we want to believe that we're looking for an alive woman. Alder assigned searching groups with specialized dogs. Your assignments are on your desk. Get to work and next time listen closer before I have to shoot the damn ceiling again!" Ramshorn walks off the middle of the hall and past Alder.

"I know, I'm going to pay for that later." The brunette says walking away towards the place Raelle and Vira entered. "I didn't say anything..." Sarah shrugs with a smirk.

"Why do you keep appearing next to me? I asked you to stay away after that one time. I wasn't sober..." Raelle explains with arms crossed on her chest. She's trying to push Vira away enough for the girl not to ruin her relationship with Scylla.

"Oh, I think you enjoy my presence here and there. You really did a great job last time we fucked. I wouldn't expect this much from a dick." Vira steps closer to Raelle placing a hand on the girl's stomach pushing her up against the wall.

The blonde stops Scylla's ex from going further. "You're sick. I said stay away and keep her name out of your mouth! Got it? We don't want to get you in trouble, right?" Raelle smiles softly and pats Vira's shoulder.

Ramshorn watches the whole situation and Vira smirks noticing the girl staring. "I guess you'll have to explain yourself." The brunette walks away with a smile still thrown upon her lips.

Raelle turns to looks at her partner and sighs. She heard everything. Scylla only takes a step closer to the blonde with her eyes shot down into the floor. "Archives in 5..." that's all she could say before walking away heading towards the underground room.

Collar looks down at her feet and sighs in disappointment that she let Vira play with her again. It's been over a week since they hooked up and Raelle already regrets meeting the girl.

The blonde doesn't hesitate a second seeing how Scylla's walking away. She quickly follows the woman to the archives. Once she enters the room the brunette's looking through folders set up on the shelves.

Raelle walks over to Ramshorn and looks at the girl intensely. "Nothing happened. I told her to stay away from you and I. Vira-" Scylla steps closer to her partner and pins the blonde to the wall.

"If I ever see you with her again or you open your mouth next to me to say her name... I'm going to give you the hardest time in your life. Got it Collar?" Scylla steps even closer and puts down the folder she's holding in her hand.

"Y-yes, boss..." Raelle gulps as her throat gets tighter from how close the brunette's standing. She looks down when feels how blood rushes down to her member. "Shit- not now."

"Also, thanks for telling her where she belongs. That push was quite hot." Scylla walks a hand down to the blonde's crotch and palms the growing bulge. "Um- I guess someone's getting a hard on for me again."

Raelle whimpers slightly taking in a sharp inhale when the girl touches her member. "Damn it, Scyl. You're so naughty." Collar whispers and Scylla starts stroking her cock through her bottom clothing.

"N-no, wait... not in my pants. Ah- Scyl." The brunette fastens her movements enjoying how Raelle's struggling to hold in her upcoming orgasm. "P-please, don't. Ah- shit!"

Scylla smirks at all of the begging she hears. The way that Raelle wants her to stop so badly and at the same time is jolting into her hand. "Cum for me, baby." The brunette asks with the most playful voice she can make.

Collar rolls eyes to the back of her head. "N-no, it'll ruin my pants." She growls out and keeps thrusting forward against Scylla's hand that feels so good rubbing her off like that. "Damn, Scyl- please..." the blonde moans softly and bites her finger feeling how her balls tense.

"I want you to know how I feel when you're spending time with my ex." Ramshorn whispers circling her thumb around her partner's tip. "Give me what I want." She can feel how Raelle's rock hard cock twitches violently against her finger. "Stop holding it back."

Scylla moans out and the blonde totally losses control over her testicles. Beads of cum release into her boxers making a huge stain by her left thigh. "F-fuck, ah..." Raelle's stomach tenses and she feels how the liquid spreads in her underwear.

She looks up at the brunette who has a delightful grin on her lips. Raelle bites her lip wanting nothing more than just to rip off Scylla's clothes and fuck her. "You're evil."

"Oh, I know. You deserved that for fucking my ex. Now, good luck with that mess you made. I've got an appointment." Ramshorn gets on her tippy toes and pecks her partner's lips before leaving the room and Raelle's mess.

"Ugh-" the blonde's mad at herself for letting the girl take control. She looks down at the big stain on her crotch and sighs. "I'm not going to get out of this..."


Scylla pulls up in front of clinic of pregnancy and gets out of her vehicle. Walking towards the entrance she looks at a few women going in as well. Their belly's huge or middle sized.

The brunette sighs looking at her feet while going up in the elevator. She feels extremely nervous about the visit. Being pregnant isn't a joke but one thing Scylla does know for sure. She's keeping the baby no matter what.

The detective sits down in the hall and waits for her turn to get called. There are a few women waiting, sitting next to her. It's just the beginning of the second month and her belly didn't grow up yet but sometimes Scylla wakes up at night feeling as if something was watching her.

It's the weirdest time and feeling it happens but she wakes up almost every single night. Her nightmares feel so real, especially those with Hearst hurting her. Scylla needs to find something to hold on so she doesn't reach for the bottle again.

"Miss Ramshorn, please." A woman from inside the office calls out and Scylla gets up. She walks over to the door and steps inside. "Good afternoon, how are we feeling?"

"Pretty wiped, stressed, maybe horny... depends if thinking about my partner in an archive room counts." The brunette sighs and sits down in front of the doctor.

The woman behind the desk laughs lightly and puts out her hands on the counter. "How's the pregnancy going? I can't see the belly yet so I guess it's beginning of your beautiful journey. May I ask about-"

"The father? Well, actually he won't come and I regret that one time he came. Not the child but the man. It isn't the best husband material so I'm just going to do it my way." Ramshorn explains quickly not wanting to spend too much in the room.

"Okay... um- please undress and lay down so I can check if everything alright." The doctor says a little off by the way Scylla just explained her story. The woman looks at the small screen next to her while tracing a device over the brunette's stomach.

Scylla is staring at the ceiling thinking deeply how she can manage to raise a child with a decent police salary and an apartment with her father. Her friends already know about pregnancy, but should she tell Raelle about it?

Their relationship, if there's any, is fresh and Scylla doesn't want to scare Raelle away. Last night the blonde mentioned that it's something more than just sex, something that she wants to hold on. Maybe she's the right person to trust?

"Ma'am? Are you okay?" The doctor asks when Scylla's not responding her question for a while. "Is everything alright? I finished my examination and your baby is perfectly fine."

The brunette snaps out of her thoughts and looks at the woman for a few second. "Ah, yes I'm sorry." She sits up. "I dozed off into some thoughts about the future. I've got lots of planning to do. When can I know the sex of it?"

Scylla dresses up and sits in front of the doctor again. "In two months we should be able to tell the difference between a girl and a boy. Until then take vitamins and eat healthy food, so the baby won't give you hard time."

The woman smiles softly at her patient and gives Scylla a paper with the next appointment in two months. "Thank you, doctor. I'll try my best to take care. Goodbye." Ramshorn leaves the office while the doctor calls next patient.

The brunette heads back to her car and starts engine. "Time for groceries, baby." She lets out a small sigh and smiles at herself in the mirror.


"I'm telling you guys it was the best sex I've ever had. And we cuddled afterwards, that was so sweet. I won't give you details but I'm sure she loved it too." Raelle sighs with a smile day dreaming resting her chin on palm.

Abigail shifts in her seat. "Are you sure it isn't just a one night stand? Did you talk with her about it?" The brunette shrugs wondering if her sister isn't hyping on something that isn't going to last.

"Um- you know, uh we talked a bit but mostly about work and me talking with Vira, Scylla's ex. Then she kind of got mad but like sexy mad... we had a small moment in the archive room and then she said she's got an appointment and left."

"So you didn't talk about the night. Call her tonight and ask her out or for another date. If she agrees it means she wants you to be something more." Abigail looks at Tally who nods at her sister's words.

"Yes, but don't bring the thing to the bed too fast if you want to talk about serious stuff. Or at least don't start it during making out, it would piss her off." Red head advice and takes a sip on her coffee.

Raelle scrunches her nose and sighs. "Guys, I don't even know if she likes me or just wanted to fuck me... I mean I said that I want to make love not fuck and that could've been the reason why she was acting weird today but-"

Abigail cuts off her best friend. "You said what?! Oh, honey never say that on first date... you possibly scared her away or made her think that you're going to expect more than she can give you at the moment. You're screwed."

"Thanks, Abs. You really made my day right now." Raelle scoffs sarcastically and sighs. "I care about her and I think I'm getting attached. She's just so gorgeous, cute and sexy. Today she shot at the ceiling to silence the crowd. That was so hot."

The blonde says dozing off into her dreams about Scylla. "One day I'm going to take her and run away." She thinks and leans down with her forehead against the table.  "I just don't want to fuck it up. I feel like she's the one." Raelle says out loud.

"Aw, that's so cute. But you should be careful before you rush into something that doesn't exist. You never know what's on other human's mind." Abigail warns her best friend and pats her shoulder lightly.

"Good luck with your Greek brunette." They both chuckle at Bellweather's words.

"She's not Greek you imbecile!"

A phone rings in the back pocket of Raelle's pants. She reaches for the smartphone and looks at the lock screen with Scylla's name on it. "Um, guys... she's calling me. What should I do?" The blonde bites her finger nails stressing out.

"Pick it up!" Abigail and Tally says out loudly together smashing their hands on the table catching some attention from other customers.

Raelle quickly drags her finger across the screen and puts the phone up to her ear. "I don't know where is your pen. I mean... hey, Scylla! What's up?" Abigail face palms herself and shakes head.

"Hey, um I was- wait- did you steal my pen? Okay, anyways... I need your help, but this is something private." Scylla says standing outside the supermarket in the center of the city. "I'll send you address."

The brunette hangs up before Raelle could respond anything and hits herself in the head feeling like her request is silly. Still wondering if she should tell her partner about pregnancy, Scylla leans against her car and text the address to Raelle.

"Hopefully, it won't take too long."


"You know, guys. I actually have to go. Scylla needs my help and I don't want her to be sad nor mad. So you know, just finish up my coffee or something. Have fun!" Raelle quickly gets up from the table and runs out tripping half way to her car almost falling on her face.

"What a jerk. Leave her friends for a girl." Abigail shakes her head and Tally smashes the back of it. "Ow" the brunette looks at red head. "Fine, I deserved that."

"Damn it!" The blonde grabs keys and starts the engine. The old pick up lets out a few clicks and starts. Raelle looks up the address Scylla sent her and types it in the navigator. "Okay, let's go."

She pulls up from under the café and a car driving from opposite direction hits her front with a loud thud as the front glass breaks. Raelle hits the wheel with her head and presses up against the horn.

Abigail and Tally look out through the window with smiles when realizing it's Raelle's car. "Is that-?" Red head gets up and runs out of the café. Abigail follows right behind towards the blonde's car.

"Raelle!" Loud cheep inside of Raelle's ears makes every other sound extra quiet. She opens her eyes seeing how her friends are dragging her out of the smoking car. "Raelle! Wake up!"

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