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Nephrite entered the unicorn only tavern, intent on drowning his sorrows for the third time that week, until he heard a voice everyone thought Panthea had permanently silenced:

🎵 "I've been here before, but always hit the floor. I've spent a lifetime running, and I always get away. But with you I'm feeling something that makes me want to stay." 🎵

Once the other unicorns realized who he was and parted like the Red Sea for him, Nephrite's jaw hit the floor. On the stage, singing into a microphone forged from a crystal infused with Rainbow Water was Ono, King of the Unicorns. Fitting a stallion of his status, his mane was worn in a braided crown. Rose quartz earrings Nephrite had gifted him for his birthday dangled from his heavily pierced ears.

🎵 "I'm prepared for this. I never shoot to miss. But I feel like a storm is coming If I'm gonna make it through the day. Then there's no more use in running, this is something I gotta face! If I risk it all, could you break my fall?" 🎵

Goosebumps exploded all over Nephrite's body in the form of tiny crystals, making the memorial tattoo on his left shoulder sparkle. Ono had the the most beautiful singing voice in Centopia.

🎵 "How do I live? How do I breathe?
When you're not here, I'm suffocating."🎵

Those 4 sentences explained Nephrite's feelings since Ono's disappearance to the letter, and it made his vision blur. *"No, pull yourself together, Nephrite! You promised yourself you wouldn't cry if you saw Ono again!"* Nephrite thought, blinking the moisture away.

🎵 "I want to feel love run through my blood.
Tell me, is this where I give it all up?
For you I have to risk it all,
'Cause the writing's on the wall!" 🎵

Nephrite's eyes darted around the stage, looking anywhere but at Ono.

🎵 "A million shards of glass that haunt me from my past. As the stars begin to gather, and the light begins to fade, when all hope begins to shatter, know that I won't be afraid!" 🎵

Without realizing it, Nephrite created a crystal staircase to Ono. The king opened his wings, and pulled Nephrite into an embrace.

Nephrite sank into Ono, enjoying his first hug from his best friend in years as Ono continued to sing. 🎵 "If I risk it all could you break my fall? How do I live? How do I breathe? When you're not here, I'm suffocating. I want to feel love run through my blood. Tell me, is this where I give it all up? For you I have to risk it all. 'Cause the writing's on the wall! The writing's on the wall!" 🎵

Ono began to cry, but somehow was able to sing: 🎵 "How do I live? How do I breathe?
When you're not here, I'm suffocating. I want to feel love run through my blood. Tell me, is this where I give it all up? How do I live? How do I breathe? When you're not here I'm suffocating. I want to feel love, run through my blood
Tell me, is this where I give it all up?
For you I have to risk it all
'Cause the writing's on......." 🎵

With what was left of his composure, Ono took a deep breath and belted the final note:

🎵 "The wall!" 🎵

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2022 ⏰

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