To Put It Simply...

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That feeling again, an ache. Familiar to my chest. The clench of the walls of the heart, a tight wrench as if we are leaving each other for forever. A feeling that lingers until I'm in your presence once again.

A longing for nothing but physical touch. Yet the longing and missing and yearning feels unexplainable. Your mind will undoubtedly beat you up for this feeling of, what it would want you to believe is, nonsense.

'Don't tell your friends about it, you're being overdramatic, don't dwell on it, you'll only make yourself feel lonelier, don't give into the pain, you're making it hurt more.'

It feels like a constant heart attack. A lack of breath. Veins being cut off from the circulation of everyday action. You don't smile when your alone anymore, and when you do, you wish they were there to smile with you. The pain increases.

I'm not being dramatic. I know you feel it too. The pulling, tugging, yanking. It gets tougher and more relentless with the extension of time apart from one another.

Sometimes you even get this feeling from someone you haven't seen in years, someone your mind has tricked you into romanticising. You know they don't think of you, you know they might not even remember your name. Yet your mind remembers them and makes your heart miss them.

Heaven forbid you pass them in the street. Your heart acts like you're about to go up and kiss them. The thumps growing in speed, the deafening ring of your mind telling you 'This is it, that's them, they're going to say hello. They're going to start talking to you, you're going to watch them fall in love with you!'

Until it all cools down from the light gush of air from their figure moving as they pass you without even noticing you.

The pain in your chest had vanished in that moment without you even noticing. You continue walking and romanticising, trying to calm your racing heart.

To put it simply...I miss you.

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