the only girl newsie

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I woke up to sunlight streaming through the curtains. I yawned and tumbled out of bed and messily put on my clothes. Boy clothes, of course. I was the only girl newsie and I couldn't let them figure out my secret. I could get beat up for that. I carefully tucked my hair into my cap. Annoyingly, a few strands of hair fell loose and I had to tuck them back in. I went downstairs and said goodbye to my parents and took a bite of an apple. I finally left the door and heaved a sigh. Another day of work. Another day of hiding my identity from everyone, including my long-time crush, Jack Kelly. He'd never love me though; I was always dressed up as a boy to stay safe on the streets.

Life was so hard ever since my parents died in a train wreck when I was three months old. I was on board, too. I'd escaped through a window, but I'd gotten hurt. That's why I chose for my nickname to be Windowpane. The boys just thought It was because I was always checking my reflection in the dust-layered glass of every window in Manhattan. I really just did it to make sure my long h/c hair wasn't escaping my cap. But no, it's because of the pain from jumping out a train window. The trauma is ingrained in my memory. I try to forget it, but I never can. If only Jack could know the real Windowpane. The real Y/n L/n. I try not to cry as I think of it, but a single crystalline tear escapes my round left e/c orb and slides down my cheek.

I wipe away the tear with the end of my sleeve and continue on my way. I know the path by heart now—Past the newsboy's lodging house, past the cart with the one brown and white horse, whinnying in the distance. And there, in all it's glory, was the window I had walked up to maybe a thousand times. I blush a deep crimson pink and my heart flutters as I see Jack walk up to the window. I wave shyly, but he doesn't wave back. He's too busy making fun of Mr. Weisel (whom most newsies called Weasel), who sold newspapers to them.

"I've told you a million times, the name's Weisel."

Jack laughs. It's a laugh I would never get tired of hearing. He pays for his papers and walks towards me.

"Hey, Windy."

"O-oh! Hi J-J-Jack!" I stutter.

"How many papes you gonna sell today?"

I gulp. "Probably like, uh 12."

Jack nods, his perfectly messy dirty blonde hair framing his face. "Neat. I'm selling 20. Maybe you could be my selling partner today."

"M-me? Be y-your s-s-selling partner?" I gasp.

"If you want to."

"Uh, y-yes! Absolutely!" I exclaim excitedly.

Jack grins. "Great! Where do you wanna start?"

"What are some good places to sell?" I asked.

"Smart. I like that." Jack sighs, his hazel orbs burning into my e/c ones.

I blush.

"Let's try the harbor," He said.

"Isn't that Conlon's territory, though?" I inquire thoughtfully.

He grins the same smile. "Yep! We're going to mess with him. It'll be fun, I promise."

We were very close to the harbor. I crossed my arms and stopped walking.

"What's wrong, Windowpane? You scared?" he taunted.

I glanced away. "N-no."

Jack smiled. "No? Sure seems like it."

"I just don't want to get myself in trouble with that Conlon kid."

"Scaredy cat!" he teased.

I huffed.

"If you don't go on your own, I'll make you!" Jack threatened.

He reached for my cap.

"NO!!1!" I screamed ferally.

But it was too late.

My luscious h/c hair tumbled down my shoulders.

Jack's jaw dropped. "Y-you're a girl?!?"

I blushed deeply, covering my face.

"I knew you were to pretty to be a boy," he smirked.

"W-w-what?" I mumbled.

I looked up at Jack. He was so handsome, his eyes sparkled in the light of the setting sun, his soft smile looking down at me...I knew it was time.

"I-I-I've always had a crush on you, Jack. I-I just couldn't say it because I had my secret. Wait, do you promise to keep my secret? Please?" I looked up at him, a tear gleaming in my eye."

"Anything for my Santa Fe. I don't need the place anymore; I," Jack said, his voice barely above a whisper, his hand slipping into mine.

I gapsed. My Santa Fe. Anyone who wasn't dead knew Jack always dreamed of Santa Fe. To be called that, that must mean I'm the one he's always dreamed of during his sad, lonely nights.

He turned to face me. Was this really happening? I wanted to pinch myself. And then his lips fell on mine and we kissed. It was a fantastic feeling. I had butterflies, no, BIRDS in my stomach.

I gasped again.

"You can trust me with anything, Windowpane," he smirked.

"Well, my name is actually Y-Y/n L/n," I spluttered.

"Y/n, what a lovely name. The most beautiful sound I ever heard. Y/n," he mused. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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