Chapter 1

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Subaru had just died from Elsa the second time

But this time when he opened his eyes... he saw what he feared

Kadomon: What's the matter, boy? You look like
you've seen a ghost.

Subaru fainted

After a couple of minutes the appa man splashed Subaru with water waking him up

Kadomon: Say somethin'. Are you okay?

Subaru: *sigh* I have no idea.

Appa man: That woke you up.
You feelin' better? Just forget about the money. Here, I'll give you these. Take 'em.

The appa man gave Subaru a bag of Appas

Subaru stopped and saw Satella walking around looking confused

Subaru: Hey. Wait up... Hang on! Please, wait for me! Wait up! Satella!

Subaru ran through the crowd heading to Satella's position

Subaru: Please don't ignore me! My disappearing and not doing
what you said were my fault! But I was desperate! I didn't know what else I could do! So I went back to the loot house after that, but I still couldn't find you... I'm sorry for only thinking of myself. But I'm glad you're all right, Satella.

People around him were glaring at the boy for using such a name on a person

Satella: S-Subaru? W-what's going on? A-and please... don't call me that, follow me so we can try to figure out what's going on ok.

Satella grabbed Subaru's hand and dragged him off

Subaru: Y-you remember me?

Subaru and Satella made it to an alley where Satella

Satella: yes, I... I remember dying next to you... then as I was searching just earlier I blinked and was back here... I'm so... I'm so confused Subaru

Satella's eyes were raining tears as she grabbed onto Subaru and held him close as she cried into his shoulder

Subaru embraced the girl hugging her as he knows someone else knows his pain and can share it with him without forgetting him

Puck: uh... what are you doing touching my daughter?

Subaru: eh? Puck? Is that really you?

Puck: I don't know how you know my name but I'm not asking you, I'm warning you... Release my daughter

Subaru: w-wait Puck, this is a misunderstanding, Satella and I-

Puck shot a shard of ice at Subaru

Subaru would have been shot if it wasn't for Satella blocking it with a shield of ice



Subaru: eh? Your name is Lia?

Emilia: Emi-lia actually, Puck... this may sound strange. But we just traveled back in ti-

Suddenly time stopped for the two people and a purple mysterious fog surround them while a purple hand came close and reached towards Emilia, scaring Subaru and Emilia. The hand fondled Emilia's hart causing Emilia pain and Subaru tried to yell but his voice wasn't working.

Few seconds go by and the hand retreated and the fog goes away and Puck was still there with a glare.

That was until he saw their terrified expressions on their faces.

Puck: uh, you ok Lia?

Emilia was panting hard, she feels like she knows who is behind this now but it seems she isn't allowed to tell anyone what happens.

Emilia: I-I'm fine, Puck, this is someone I recently met... his name is Natsuki Subaru. Subaru, this is my spirit Puck.

Subaru: I uh, yeah, nice to meet you Puck.

Puck was still glaring at Subaru and was about to say something when-

Felt: I'm starting to get bored listening to you talk with your spirit, soooo, yoink!

Felt quickly swiped the insignia from Emilia and dashed off.

This startled the the time travelers but pissed Puck off

Puck: you... you are behind this

Subaru: n-n-no, I'm not. Please trust me-

Puck shot a icicle into Subaru's chest not batting an eye when he fell down

Emilia: SUBARU!

Emilia rushed to Subaru using her magic as much as possible trying to heal the dying boy

Subaru in his dying breathe: y-you look beautiful even when your panicking

Emilia: no.....Subaru

Natsuki Subaru.... died once again

(Sort chapter but I wanted to get this out there since I've had this on my mind and basically written for a year or 2)

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