To The Moon and Back

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"Can't believe she's falling for a loser like him."

The women's locker room was so filled with drama and trash talking sometimes and I hated it. They're lucky that this was happening or I probably would've started throwing everything in my path. No one talked down on my lovebug because he wasn't a loser, even if he didn't win this match.

Watching JD target his leg worried me because even though JD's a little shit, he knew how to wrestle and dissect someone. No one had seen Cameron once he came backstage, till they were trying to get an interview from him:

"I said not right now!"

The moment I saw Cameron lose to JD, I knew this something like this was going to happen. I couldn't blame Cameron a bit for flipping his lid. A lot of things were building up and we are only human and can only take so much.

Blowing off some steam with his yelling, I was ready to go talk to him, till Joe Gacy stepped up to him, trying to offer a place in his weird cult or whatever it was supposed to be.

I was happy to see that Cameron screamed at him. This was my chance to go after him now. He was the most special person in my life and seeing Gacy trying to corrupt him sparked something in me.

Gacy and I crossing paths was inevitable and while making my way out the door, I said softly:

"You leave him alone. You're nothing but a creep and I won't let you hurt him."

No words back to me, just a creepy smile on his face as he placed his palms together. He was always plotting and scheming, but that was something to worry about at another time. Cameron was dead set on getting out of here and I wasn't letting him go alone with the mood he was in.

"Lovebug," I stopped his car door from slamming, accidentally startling him, going to comfort him to make up for it, but he turned his shoulder away from me:

"Not now, Y/N."

"Can't you just let me be here for you, Cameron?" I sighed, trying to gain a connection with him without it leading to an argument because he still had an attitude, could tell how hard he was trying not to scream:

"Why?" He was defeated, shaking his head at me, "Why do you want to help? Why do you want a loser like me? Don't waste-"

"You stop talking about yourself like that right now," I scolded, slamming the car door shut and really making him jump, grabbing his head and holding it.

Staring deep into his eyes, they were a pretty blue like the ocean but had a dark gloom in them and I was destined to change that, meaning every word I said:

"You are not a loser. You have a heart like no one else's, you wear it on your sleeve and there is nothing wrong with that, Cameron. No matter how-"

"I am a loser," He whispered, looking down at the ground and fighting some tears, "I lost my title, I couldn't beat Bron, now JD. I-"

Again, I lifted his head up, my stare more intense so he would actually listen:

"No matter how many matches you lose, no matter how many tough wrestlers that you face, you are not a loser. And why? Because you never give up. You fight with everything you have from bell to bell and that's what matters. You're not a loser till you stop trying and I know that you are not like that."

Not responding, tears swelled up in his eyes a little and spread to mine. He needed to know that my words were true and that I wasn't saying this just to give him false hope, taking a big leap, but needing to:

"And why do I want to help? Why do I like you?"

Cradling his face, a few tears ran down my cheeks, smiling through them and admitting, using one hand to point to the moon above us:

"Because I love you. To the moon and right back here."

Showing him what I meant by here, I placed that hand on his chest, feeling it beating against his ribs, that dark gloom in his eyes beginning to disappear when I sniffled softly:

"And I love you because no one in this whole wide world has a heart like you."

"Get over here," He panted quickly, pulling my wrist and body into him, hugging like I was the last person that he would get to hug, kissing me like there would be no tomorrow.

Hugging him right back, my heart opened up just like a door, passion bursting out and expressing that with every touch of my lips, feeling the exact same feeling from him that made a few more tears run down my face.

Crying like this while so happy was a first for me and when I pulled back a little and saw that precious smile of his, it made me smile so hard that I was giggling, silencing when he met my gaze again:

"Sometimes I do think I am a loser. I'm sure everyone else thinks that I'm a loser too, but you said it best. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I don't give up."

I had never been so proud of him. He was always so full of potential and in a bad time like this, he just needed someone there to give him that little push, blessed to be that person for him, emotions skyrocketing through me when he put my hand over his heart, then mine and smiled:

"And I sure won't give up on my lovebug because I love you too; to the moon and right back here." 

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