Chapter 1

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Butters' pov

I'm sitting on a yellow bus with the name South Park Camp on the side. I'm looking out the window with a hug smile on my face. I haven't seen my parents or any of the guys. I'm so excited to get home after 3 months of being away.

The bus pulls up to the curb and everybody gets their belongings. I'm the very last person to hop off the bus. Before walking away I wave to the bus driver.
I swing my back pack over my shoulder and pick up my suitcase. While walking I can't hold in my excitement anymore. I run the rest if the way to my house.
I put the key in the doorknob and twist it open. It swings open and I step in with my suitcase. Setting down my suitcase I yell out for my parents. After putting my bag in the sofa I begin to walk around the downstairs. When I didn't find then I begin to stroll upstairs.
On top of the stiars I see my door open and I causally walk over toward it. Walking pass my parents room somethibg catches my eye. I push the slightly open door and it slowly swings open. Inside the room everything was a mess and broken on the floor.
I turn and walk out while rubbing my knuckles together. I begin on my way to my room. I peek my head in right quick. Looking around I see nothing is out of place. Smiling I close the door and head to the kitchen.
After eating I work on my homework. It takes me a couple hours to finish. Heading upstairs I quickly hop into the shower.
Humming to myself I walk to my room to grab some clothes. I put on a blue lose shirt with a pair if gray shorts with a pair of black socks. I then sit on my bed and turn my tv on.
Couple hours later I start to smell something horrible. I stand up and search my room for what smells. The smell got worse as I stood near my closet.
I open the doors and swtich the light on. Then my eyes widen and I fall back on my butt. I gasp and try to back away from the doors. On the closet floor are my parents leaning up against the wall. They had their arms cut off and layed right next to them. Their eyes were cut out and all that was left was holes. Blood was all in their hair and underneath their bodies.
Tears start to fall and I quickly stand up to run out the room. I grab the phone next to the sofa and dial 911.

"Hello what's you're emergency?" The operator asks

"I f-found my p-parents d-d-dead in my closet." I say

"Alright The cops are on their way." She says

I hang up and pace around the room. Few minutes later there's a knock on the door and I almost fall trying to open the door. Two cops start to ask me questions. I show them where my parents and they tell to go downstairs.
Before I know it there's more people in my house then I can count. Cops are all through the house and all over my front yawn. Then detectives asking me the same questions that I already answered.

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