Blue Nuance And Diamond Fluorescence- The Difference

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You guys must have heard the terms blue nuance and diamond fluorescence. But do you know the meaning of both these terms. Both the fluorescence and nuance in diamonds can be considered a flaw or uniqueness in diamonds.

Fluorescence V/S Blue Nuance

Blue Nuance

Diamond Nuance is not naturally occurring, but when a Diamond fails to cover the pressure, it leaves the sign known as "Nuance." In geological terms, we may state that nuance has no effect on the look of a diamond. A Diamond Nuance, for example, has no effect on the glitter that a Diamond emits on the eyes. So don't be concerned.

Blue nuance is a blue hue tint seen in HPHT diamonds caused by excess boron in the diamond after the growing process. Boron is frequently used to eliminate nitrogen during HPHT development. Removing boron once it has been introduced is difficult and costly. As a result, excess boron might be an indication of a grower trying to grow rapidly but not effectively.

Diamond Fluorescence

Diamond fluorescence is created by tiny quantities of an element that reacts to UV light being trapped inside the crystal structure of a diamond. Fluorescence in diamonds is affected by three elements: aluminium, nitrogen, and boron. If any of these elements are present and absorbed throughout the millions of years it takes for a natural diamond to grow in the ground, the diamond will glow.

Diamond fluorescence refers to the bluish glow that certain diamonds display when exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. In other words, it is the visible light emitted by a diamond when exposed to UV rays, which are a key component of daylight. The visible hue in more than 95 percent of fluorescing diamonds is blue.

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