Is it...Over? Violen is Violent.

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Starring: The Happy Tree Friends and Fluffles!

Featuring: Spooks and Gumball (ImWhitee's OCs!) - Also known as My Bestie!!

-These Scenes will be similar to actual movie scenes, you just have to picture them in your head

-There will be ALOT of reading, like an actual Movie, Again :3 (I assure you, this is actually interesting though!)

-This was based off of a roleplay me and ImWhitee was Doing on Discord, but we decided to make it into a book!

-I might post more chapters, but if not, that means that this is just another piece to the Fluffles Book!

-Must be 13+ In order to read!

Fluffles' Mind...: Lately, Flippy has been trying to get with me all day, even though I'm already Married to Mime, which is knowingly obvious. It's so unlike him. Then, he calls me these Sweet nicknames and follows me everywhere, Heck, even stalks me! And it's all because of this mysterious person...My Mother and Sister has been suspicious of him all day, which leads to my suspicions. Who is this person? Why are they doing this? Are they the one behind all of Flippy's mood swings and strange behavior? It's our job to find out...My Job to stop it...and save the day...

Kinky had a Camp out with Flippy...until he suddenly fainted...he didn't wake up until help came...I feel like...the figure was secretly there...


Fluffles: You were there secretly!?

???: . . .Yes...I turned off the machine at the moment...but that was only because I want you!

Fluffles: Take off that shady coat and show yourself!!!

???: Takes off the coat

Fluffles: *GAAAAASP* No....NOOO!!!

???: *Chuckles* Hello...Sweetheart.

Violen: It is me...YOUR FATHER!!!

Fluffles: *Falls to the ground out of fear, trembling* NOOO!!!

Ria and Falline: * Jumps from the trees and Steps in front of her protectively*

Falline: Stay away!

Ria: Don't hurt her, Violen!

Fluffles: Mom? Sis?

Falline: *Looks back at her* Don't worry, we're here for you.

Spooks: I-Is th-that- y-your father?!

Spooks: *Hugs Fluffles* He's scary! D:

Fluffles: I know Spooks, b-but no matter what *Hugs Him Back* We'll face him together!

Violen: Hmmm, and I can see you reunited with that...Mime...boy oh boy have he gotten big.

Mime: *Growls and steps in Front of Fluffles Protectively*


Mime: *Growls More* (I never thought I'd see him again...)

Fluffles: So what if he does! He will always be there for me as I am for him!

Violen: And who is that Bat next to you?

Fluffles: *Turns to Spooks* This is Spooks, and he is the most lovely, affectionate Bat I could ever meet. He's been there for me just as much as Mime.

"The End of Violence..." Happy Tree Friends (Meet Fluffles' Father)Where stories live. Discover now