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ron is dead (in a cool way)

ron is dead. (in a cool way)

ron. is. dead. (in a cool way)


he's dead? (in a cool w

the same words keep repeating in little man's mind.

the feeling of losing his own best friend (in a cool way), feels unreal.

he's dead. (in a cool way)

because of bob.


it's bob's fault.

he killed him. (in a cool way)

he killed ron. (in a cool way)

if the whole incident never happened, ron wouldn't be dead (in a cool way) right now.

he'd be alive.

he'd be hanging out with little man.

they'll all be friends again, like old times.


little man tries to find a way to get ron back.

he's desperate to get him back.

he can't just rely on alcohol.

he can't just be drunk all day.

he wants his best friend back.


aftermath (a silly bobs onslaught fic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن